We pray to depend on God for help in distress. Milk boiling over the stove is a bad sign. And then she saw Jesus. A great emphasis is laid on the manner and method in which the prayers are recited. Why crying, as Jesus did and we do at the movies, can be a spiritual practice. I have cried at Mass also. Since it was not an organized religion, many beliefs and practices of the Indian subcontinent that could not be distinguished or categorized as organized religions became part of Hinduism. While he lived on earth, anticipating death, Jesus cried out in pain and wept in sorrow as he offered up priestly prayers to God. Yes. Manichaeism was a major religion founded in the 3rd century AD by the Persian prophet Mani (c. 216–274 AD) in the Sasanian Empire.. Manichæism is pronounced / ˌ m æ n ɪ ˈ k iː ɪ z əm /;; in New Persian آیین مانی ÃyÄ«nⁱ MānÄ«; Chinese: 摩 å°¼ 教; pinyin: Mó ní Jiào) . I know it because I am a big Cher fan, and I learned it from her concerts. According to Alan Jones, Dean Emeritus of Grace Cathedral in San Francisco, these drops "are like the breaking of the waters of the womb before the birth of a child." I didn't want unnecessary attention. First Hindu Prayer at my altar.. and I burst into tears? Yet many of us have felt the rich communal dimensions of crying with others. We pray for asking God for enlightenment. Failing to execute these rules may lead to a lesser effective prayer or may even derail the purpose. A well-designed Ghanta or bell produce long strains of the sound ‘OM.’ A bell is rung in a Hindu temple, during the waving of light in front of the deity, while bathing the deity and while offering food. Perhaps that is why so many people are embarrassed to cry; they do not want to reveal their vulnerability. Vedic Indians performed elaborate rituals, chanting mantras or prayers to please gods and seek their assistance in the fulfillment of individual desires or realize any potentially important goal either for themselves or for others or for the community i… Ghanta is sounded before the actual puja and worship begins. Yoga and meditation are also considered as a form of devotional service. Fasting in Hinduism is a declaration of faith and resolve and way to build character, strength and purity as part of one’s preparation for liberation. In Hindu prayers the content of the prayer as well as the sounds involved in the utterance of prayers are equally important. In Hinduism, mudras (special hand gestures) are used to receive and gather an alleged energy that is said to inhabit the universe. I know it because I am a big Cher fan, and I learned it from her concerts. 65. Its an emotional cleaning that Bhagwan's name does in the devotee to prepare them for devotion/worship. The good and bad, positive and negative influences of each of these nine planets are results of factors like the specific location of the planets on the birth chart, etc. Think of the great global funerals of Mother Teresa and Princess Diana where millions around the world were united in a common experience of grief. If you want to pray alone, check the temple’s schedule online so you don’t arrive during a ritual. They may through joy -- great also. Tears enable us to get in touch with our deepest feelings. The teachings of the Vedas consist of various Mantric chants or hymns recognized by different seers or Rishis from the Cosmic Mind. Chant your opening prayers. They help us express our grief at endings and the loss of those who are precious to us. As God says to King Hezekiah, so he could say to each of his children, “I have heard your prayer; I have seen your tears” (2 Kings 20:5). Despite this, many Hindus are coming to Christ every year. In one of the central texts of Hinduism, The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali. I just don't understand why I suddenly couldn't stop crying. Before you enter, turn your phone on silent and remove your shoes. It draws out our deep feelings of connection with others — sometimes in their suffering, pain, and isolation, and other times in their joy and celebration. If one truly believes it there is no way s/he can hold back tears. Circumambulation, or walking around the deities, is a common part of Hindu puja. Hindu practices for prayer often symbolize a deeply held belief, even if the practice looks as normal as walking. Tears are a gift of grace from God, and their fruit is always joy. The tears may come due to compassion -- an excellent sign. It wasn't a good feeling at the height of it as it was very intense, but I am feeling more.. cleansed, I guess, afterward. I have cried while praying the Rosary. Crying at the movies isn't giving in to sentimental feelings or emotional binging; it can be much more meaningful than that. Pray regularly, from morning till bed-time, not just during moments of sorrow but also during happy moments. Jesus was not simply crying, He was praying. courageous band of French Catholic priests, Copyright © 2006 - 2020 by CIStems, Inc., d.b.a. This is true that praying God with all your heart will make you have your wishes fulfilled, but mythology says that implementing certain rules will make your prayer more productive. We pray for communion with God through single-minded devotion. It is also helpful to restrain the mind and the senses and practice detachment, austerity and self-control. If you trip before leaving the house in the morning, sit down, drink a glass of water and then only leave. Recently we were moved to tears by a young man who is reunited with his horse after a long and painful separation; by the African-American maids in The Help whose stories in a book give them a chance to speak truth to power and ignorance; by the touching father and son reconciliation at a Grateful Dead concert in The Music Never Stopped; by the courageous band of French Catholic priests gathering around their table just before their probable death at the hands of terrorists in Algeria; by the patient and creative efforts of a group of people who finally find a prosthetic tail for a badly injured dolphin; and by the efforts of a little girl to communicate with her dead father in The Tree. She is befriended by a boy who gives her a cake that he says will give her back her strength. This is another category, and most likely you hadn't experienced this category before, so the floodgates opened. During the Passover Seder, when Jews remember their escape from Egypt, they bring salt water to their lips to symbolize the tears of bondage. Her tears of grief and sorrow were important to Him, so important to Him that He revealed Himself to her. We pray for asking for peace from God when the mind is restless. Aphorism 1:31 describes bodily trembling as a sign of lack of control of the bodies nerve energies Pain, despair, misplaced bodily activity and wrong direction (or control) of the life currents are the results of the obstacles in the lower psychic nature. Some symbols are harbingers of great luck or grave danger, while … Wow. Prayer or worship is considered to be an integral part of the Hindu religion. I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. These sound elements of Sanskrit language are permanent entities and are of everlasting significance. Please visit our Wiki Starter Pack here if you have not already, as you may find some useful resources there to help you on your spiritual journey: https://www.reddit.com/r/hinduism/wiki/index. Lord will bless you !!! The chanting of mantras is the most popular form of worship in Hinduism. There are tears of joy, tears of grief, tears of memories, tears of separation, etc. We've all heard of and perhaps experienced it: the "gift of tears." International Christian Concern reports that four Christian women were ambushed by a radical Hindu nationalist group while they gathered for prayer together in the Sarurpur village of India. In ancient times, when a person died, mourners put their tears in bottles and sometimes even wore them around their necks. Because he honored God, God answered him (Hebrews 5:7, MSG). Then I said a few personal prayers and just started bawling suddenly. There are many forms of prayer in Hinduism, however essentially all of them have the same purpose – To connect with God, express one’s love and devotion towards him and obtain his blessings. 69. We also recommend reading this (free) introductory text if you would like to know more about Hinduism and don't know where to start. It looks like you flaired your post as a "beginner question", so you may be new to Hinduism. Jesus wept at the tomb of Lazarus. ... so I’ve noticed how a lot of people (my family members, the imams, other brother/sisters) occasionally cry during prayer or dua or recitation. Hinduism also known as the Sanatan Dharma is one of the greatest and finest of ancient religions. Learn about the origin of Mantras. Yhere is nothing wrong in crying in front of lord shiva or any other god. Planets bearing rajas are Venus and Mercury while planets with Tamas nature are Mars, Saturn, Rahu and Ketu. Hinduism is growing more slowly than in the past, but it is still obtaining followers as people continuously search for life’s answers in religion. Planets possessing Sattva nature are Jupiter, Sun and Moon. Just keep the feeling in your heart. 67. We learn from Scripture that there is a time to cry and everyone will cry at some point in their life. For a Hindu mystic, dream interpretation can provide a window into the future.Objects, characters, and emotions that appear in a person's dreams all take on symbolic meanings to be analyzed and interpreted. There is strength in tears. There are around 140,000 protestant missionaries ministering across the nations, but only about 2% of these serve Hindu people. Cats crying in pain or otherwise is bad omen. It's a gift of the Holy Spirit. He also wept over the city of Jerusalem and in our time, we weep over Jerusalem and Baghdad and Kabul and the refugee cities in Palestine and the Sudan and elsewhere. The religious traditions honor the gift of tears and have found ways to ritualize it. Mantras are Vedic in origin. Being close to God will also make our life peaceful and will keep us away from negative happenings. This is a bit odd, but I burned the oil and cotton wicks and lit incense, and I recited the Gayatri Mantra. We weep with gratitude over all the amazing gifts from God that come our way. In ancient times, when a person died, mourners put their tears in bottles and sometimes even wore them around their necks. Over the ages, the weeping of tears has been a sign of the mystical experiences of saints and repentant sinners. “I Care About Them” Many of us feel ashamed of our tears, especially if others see them. That's a wonderful way to describe the connection between pain and joy! She revealed in the past that the entire Roberts-Moder family went to temple together to "chant and pray and celebrate." Lucky you; tears of devotion usually come after a lot of spiritual advancement. You are truly lucky. Mentioned below are 30 rules to be followed while worshipping God. These transcendent moments go beyond what the mind can comprehend; tears are a response of the heart. In the Vedic parlance, prayer was synonymous with mantra, a religious chant or incantation, used to communicate with gods and seek some kind of material benefit or favor from them. The early Christian desert fathers and mothers had the highest regard for what they called "the gift of tears." Praying in a Hindu temple can be a powerful spiritual experience, but make sure you follow the rules and practices while you’re there. In Hindu Astrology, Navagrahas affects a person’s happiness, success and all-round prosperity. There have been times when saying my morning prayers I just break down in tears. Hinduism is a continuous, living faith, with a history that dates back to prehistoric times. Bell or Ghanta is an indispensable part in most Hindu pujas. In the initial stage, it is better to pray in front of a Deity to attain concentration. 68. ... First Hindu Prayer at my altar.. and I burst into tears? Weeping arises from the heart and signifies an open and softened heart. And you have a heart of Gold. B. For practicing the gift of tears not only draws us closer to others, it signals our gratitude to God for giving us the primal emotions that come from the heart. The sound of Mantra can lift the believer towards the higher self. During the Passover Seder, when Jews remember their escape from Egypt, they bring salt water to their lips to symbolize the tears of bondage. Bible verses about crying. I didn't want him to hear me. Later, praying can be done in other places too. This is a bit odd, but I burned the oil and cotton wicks and lit incense, and I recited the Gayatri Mantra. No restraint of time. 66. Its mythological stories and religious books have mentioned that in order to attain Moksha, one should be closer to God. Spirituality & Practice. Indian Pastor Beaten by Hindu Extremists While Praying Vows to Continue Sharing Gospel: 'My Lord is Ever Victorious' By Morning Star News ( [email protected] ) Sep 04, 2017 10:12 AM EDT Comment India is ranked 17th on Open Door USA's World Watch List of countries where Christians face the most persecution. Because we also believe that crying is a spiritual experience that benefits from practice, we appreciate a good movie that makes us cry. He suddenly appeared in the midst of her sorrow and grief. Crying is natural and god is impartial to all our emotions if u pray with a devoted heart and mind Lord Shiva will answer your prayers. While there are many different kinds of mudras, one of these – the anjali mudra – is bringing the palms of the hands together over the heart. Prayer does not always mean worshiping idols. We like to think of tears as sacraments of love. All of the movies from 2011 mentioned above enabled us to do the inner work that is the essence of spirituality in this media-dominated age. This is the type of prayer God answers. You are face to face with your creator. The adjacent picture represents the Om sign, which is a sacred sound and a spiritual symbol in Hinduism. 4. We cry when we share moments of great elation with others. … Question - Beginner. We can make the preparing of food, the offering of food to God, and the eating of the food offered, into a powerful devotional meditation. If, as a meditative discipline, we can offer our food to God with devotion before eating it, not only are we not implicated in the karma involved in acquiring the food, but we can actually make spiritual progress by eating the offered food. Theaters and homes become sacred places when they provide us access to the precious gift of tears. The official subreddit for Hinduism (Sanatan Dharma), Press J to jump to the feed. Crying while praying/dua. Background to Hindu prayer 1. A Yiddish proverb says, "What soap is for the baby, tears are for the soul.". ... Light a diya (lamp) while chanting the prayer for it. Seeing a religious (Hindu) procession on the road purely by chance on your daily travels brings good luck. When she eats it, she starts crying. Every religion has formulated its own practices for praying to God. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts, https://www.reddit.com/r/hinduism/wiki/index. Roberts, who grew up with a Catholic mother and Baptist father, reportedly became interested in Hinduism after seeing a picture of the deity Hanuman and the Hindu guru Neem Karoli Baba, who died in 1973 and whom she never met. In the recitation of Sanskrit Mantras the sound is very important, for it can bring transformation in you while … I personally have only done so once and it was because I was young and saw my dad crying. It's super embarrassing, since my roommate is around. Man praying at mosque (L) and Devotees praying at temple (R) PTI photo Priyadarshini Sen 2020-11-07T17:46:13+05:30 Why Can’t Muslims Pray At Temples And Hindus At Mosques? Please contact the moderators of this subreddit if you have any questions or concerns. Welcome home. In John 20, when Mary Magdalene discovered the empty tomb, she began to weep. It's a wonderful thing. This is a true prayer. In the Academy Award-winning animated film Spirited Away, a little girl gets lost in an abandoned theme park. Jagadh Guru Kripalu maharaj used to say that unless you have tears in your eyes when you are in front of God it does not count as real praying. The world likes to say things like men don’t cry, but in the Bible you see the strongest people crying out to God such … The religious traditions honor the gift of tears and have found ways to ritualize it. Film Spirited away, a little girl gets lost in an abandoned theme park a diya lamp! 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