Do you know how to pick a good and juicy one? Watermelon likes it warm! A gentle tug and it should come free. When a watermelon is fully ripe, it's easy to pick from the vine. Using the yellow spot on the bottom does not work for me since I gently turn my melons during the growing season to … Click to see full answer. However, in temperate zones, you can start seeds towards the end of summer. The rest of the melon's vines will still be alive. The underside of a watermelon also tells a lot about whether it's done growing. Other watermelon harvesting methods: You’ll see others tell you to look for black marks or a creamy yellow base from where it sat on the ground, and while these are good, they aren’t always 100% right. The key is to hold the watermelon in your other hand when you spank it, so you can feel the vibrations through the watermelon. You can pick the fruit, but most likely it will not be ripe, you could also cover your plants with a frost blanket and hope for the best if it’s supposed to warm up again. Ripe Melon Tip #3 – Look at the Under Side of the Melon The under side of the watermelon where it hits the ground should be buttery to dark yellow. Sometimes we think that unless you're an experienced farmer, buying a juicy, tasty, fully ripe, and sweet watermelon is hit or miss. Drop them in the comments and we will be sure to try to answer them. Tips we learned on our trip on how to pick a watermelon: 1. Way #2: Another way to know when your watermelon is ready to pick is by checking the spot at the bottom of the watermelon where it has been sitting on the ground. amzn_assoc_ad_mode = "manual"; The tendril coming out of the watermelon's top, sometimes known as the "pigtail" because its curly shape, will dry out and die, indicating maturity. amzn_assoc_placement = "adunit0"; Now that you’ve been watching your watermelons (Citrullus lanatus) grow larger and larger, you’re probably wondering when are they ripe and ready for harvesting?The last thing you want to do is pick too early because once picked, the melon won’t continue to ripen if it’s harvest while unripe. If the pigtail is almost dead, the fruit is on the cusp of ripeness. It won't slip off like a cantaloupe, but you won't have to pull with all your strength to get it free. Required fields are marked *. Watering. Checking the sound, ripe watermelon should have a hallow deep sound when rapped on with your knuckles. Watermelon is the quintessential fruit of summer, and biting into a juicy wedge is one of the season's greatest pleasures. If you're planting your watermelons from seeds rather than transplanting starter plants, you can use the approximate harvest time as a guideline. High in vitamins A and C, but low in calories, this healthy fruit can be grown in the home garden. Food52 offers another indicator to search for to ensure you pick the best one.They say that a good way to check if a watermelon has had enough time on the vine to fully ripen is to turn it over and look for a yellow and brown colored patch. As watermelons grow and mature, their colors change, indicating when they are ripe for the picking. Read more…, Egg Float Test | How To Tell If Your Eggs Are Still Fresh, When To Pick Watermelon: 6 Of The Best Ways To Tell If Your Watermelon Are Ripe. Photo credit: evgenii mitroshin/Bigstock Watermelon season begins in August, but the fruits tend to be the best and most plentiful in September. High in vitamins A and C, but low in calories, this healthy fruit can be grown in the home garden. Like the sound of a drum or knocking on a door. So back to the question, when to pick watermelon? This is called a field spot, or patch. Most are ripe about 32 days after blooming and are easily picked off the vine at that … It has happened many times to me. But how do you know when it’s time to pick a watermelon- we’re going to tackle 5 ways to know if your watermelon are ready to harvest to help you answer that question. Should we pick it now? amzn_assoc_search_bar = "true"; Watering is very important—from planting until fruit begins to form. There is nothing better than a ripe, juicy watermelon on a hot summer day. Choosing a watermelon in the grocery story. Some of my fondest childhood memories are sitting on our elderly neighbor’s porch on a toasty summer evening listening to him talk about his farm, and tractor, and whatever else as the purple martins swooped into their house in the middle of his yard. 8: Try an App. Watermelons should be treated well before harvest, and one that is full of bumps and lumps didn’t probably get enough sunlight or water during its growth, causing inconsistency and … We’re always up to something here at Rosevine Cottage whether that is redecorating some space in the house, working in the garden, or playing with the animals. Store your watermelon at room temperature until cut, and then store in your refrigerator and eat up! The vines of a watermelon are cut as close to the fruit as possible, using a sharp knife. Schlepping it up the stairs and making room for … When I Shake My Cantaloupe I Can Hear the Loose Seeds, Is it Ripe? Watermelon is one of the few fruits that does not ripen after it’s harvested so it’s really important to harvest it at the peak of ripeness and not before. © Copyright 2020 Hearst Communications, Inc. How do you know when your watermelon is ready to pick? However, unless you know the signs to look for, it can be hard to tell when watermelons are ripe and ready for harvest. Hi we’re the Rosevine Cottage Girls, Brianna, Cheyenne, and Tracy. Way #4: This way of checking to see if your watermelon is ready to pick is the way Mr. Cottage always says to check for ripeness. You can do this by testing out its weight (it should be heavy for its size), color (it should have a yellow spot on one side), and sound (when you lightly thump it, it should sound hollow inside). A watermelon plant gives off a number of signs that it's ready to harvest.Watermelon should be ready about 80 days after it is planted. In Los Angeles, it gets too hot in the middle of the summer, so I start in September. Harvest the watermelon by cutting the stem connecting the watermelon to the plant with a sharp knife. When to Pick Watermelons. Watermelon plants (Citrullus lanatus var. Have a question? If you can wait, you’ll often be rewarded. Different types of melon and weather will produce a range of colors inside and out. I use the curl method to determine the best time to pick and have been very successful so far this year. Significant exposure to temps outside of this range will cause the fruit to deteriorate and spoil. A watermelon that is smooth to the touch, firm, and free from bruises and dents is a good pick. Watermelon stored at room temperature is also filled with more nutrients. Still not sure if the watermelon you're considering is ripe? Some people say to “thump it”, we say to “spank it”. Home grown watermelons are one of the real sweet treat pleasures of summer. Get our tips for picking a good watermelon … Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Although there are around 50 varieties of watermelon at grocery stores over 300 types which grow in the United States. A Mother and twin daughters living in beautiful middle Tennessee with our veteran dad and husband Mr. Cottage. Make sure to compare two or three watermelons at a time (the same shape and size) and take the … Hallie Engel is a food and lifestyle writer whose work has appeared in several international publications. Summer is watermelon season, and just as there’s nothing like biting into a perfectly juicy, sweet slice, there’s no disappointment like finding it tasteless and mushy. Watermelon Radish Growing Guide It’s best to sow seeds outdoors in mid-summer for a fall harvest. The blossom end of the watermelon is opposite the stem end, if the melon is ripe it will have some give when you press on it with your thumb. Watermelon: The Varieties & When to Pick Them. Most people are obsessed with this delicious and refreshing fruit. How To Really Pick A Good Watermelon. Pick the Best, Most Ripe Watermelon. Personally, this isn’t my favorite method but he insists it works. Watermelon should be ready about 80 days after it is planted. You may think that choosing a great watermelon is up to chance, but there are actually several ways to spot the perfect watermelon. amzn_assoc_asins = "B01BECQAWO,B07T73Q18D,B072K51SBV,1641525096"; We have a small watermelon growing now. Last but not least this is also going to be a significant trick. At about the 75-day mark, start keeping your eye on it to see if it is ripe, looking for the following clues: The tendrils that are normally bright green near where the watermelon meets the stem will turn brown. If the watermelon isn't ripe, its bottom will be green, while a yellow or cream-colored underside indicates that it's ripe. It’s best to store your watermelon at room temperature to preserve the flavor. Best to pick a perfect watermelon in peak season . Sugar baby watermelons should become ready for harvest about 70 to 75 days after planting, according to the University of Illinois Extension. This is a … While melon plants are growing, blooming, and setting fruit, they need 1 to 2 inches of water per week. Unlike other fruits, watermelons do not ripen on their own once they have been picked from the vine. There are a couple of ways to see if your watermelon is ready to pick: Way #1: The first way to know when your watermelon is ready to pick is by checking the curly tendril on the stem above the watermelon when the watermelon is ripe the tendril will turn brown and dry up. Keep soil moist, but not waterlogged. At about the 75-day mark, start keeping your eye on it to see if it is ripe. In this way, how do I know when to pick my watermelons? Harvesting them small will ensure that your watermelon is not ripe. Who doesn’t love watermelon? If the watermelon is hard as a rock when pressed on it isn’t ripe. Watermelons require careful handling to avoid internal bruising and should be stored at a temperature between 60 and 70 degrees Fahrenheit. I get super excited about my watermelon and then when I cut it, it is not juicy, or sweet, or how I imaged my watermelon to be. So what is it? amzn_assoc_tracking_id = "rosecottgirl-20"; There is nothing like a cold watermelon slice on a hot southern summer day! Tips to pick a Watermelon Look for a heavy watermelon When planning to buy a watermelon, look for the one hat feels heavier for its size, this means that it’s full of water and sweetness (that’s a very good sign)! An overripe melon will give little resistance when pressed on and will likely be mealy on the inside. She served as a restaurant critic for "Time Out Abu Dhabi" and "Time Out Amsterdam" and has also written about food culture in the United Arab Emirates for "M Magazine." New Mexico State University: Picking Ripe Watermelons, University of California Davis: Watermelon: Recommendations for Maintaining Postharvest Quality, National Watermelon Promotion Board: Recipes. The tendrils of the watermelon do more than provide it with sustenance, they act like a timer, indicating when the fruit is ripe. Red cut watermelon on a pile of ripe watermelons in a field. amzn_assoc_region = "US"; This is called a field spot, or patch. Because of this, it’s best to know how to pick out the best watermelon from the bunch. When the watermelon's vitals have been checked and it's time to harvest, doing so in the proper manner minimizes damage. Your email address will not be published. There are three metrics you'll want to use to judge a watermelon: appearance, weight and — this is where it gets a little ambiguous — the sound it makes when you tap it. She holds a bachelor's degree in communications and film studies from University of Amsterdam. The usual shelf life of a watermelon is 12-14 at 55F after harvest (at refrigerated temperatures such as 41F the watermelon begin to decay after a week). How to Grow Watermelons. There are three metrics you’ll want to use to judge a watermelon: appearance, weight and — this is where it gets a little ambiguous — the sound it makes when you tap it. Will the cold weather harm it? A watermelon should respond to the proper touch in a couple of key ways when ripe. Refrigerate before eating to bring out the best flavor. Way #2: Another way to know when your watermelon is ready to pick is by checking the spot at the bottom of the watermelon where it has been sitting on the ground. How to Know When Icebox Watermelons Are Ripe. If the melon is ripe, this area will be firm and difficult to dent by pressing a fingernail into it. Field Spot These white spots (called field spots) are quite natural. Learn all about watermelon, including how to pick a ripe watermelon, how to store it properly, and how to use it in recipes all summer long. There are lots of hints that the plant gives you that will help you with harvesting watermelons. Picking a watermelon in good quality is a sort of mission. Watermelon mature rapidly during hot weather. amzn_assoc_title = ""; Way #6: Another great way to know when to pick watermelon is by poking the blossom end. How To Start A Vegetable Garden From Scratch, How To Grow Watermelon – Tips From Grandpa Lowery, How To Grow Tomatoes – The #1 Beginner’s Guide, 29 Of The Best Spring Gardening Essentials Every Gardener Needs, How To Create A Homemade Seed Bank Customized For Your Family, Lemongrass Spa Review – Organic All Natural Skincare, God Is With Me When I Walk Through The Fire, Cold Frame Gardening | 4 Easy Tips For Success, What Gideon In The Bible Can Teach Us About Facing Our Fears. On a ripe watermelon, the color of its stripes indicate maturity; if the stripes have a noticeable contrast, the fruit is probably ready for harvest. When To pick watermelons is something that everyone has their own ideas about, some of them are true and some of them aren’t. The spot will turn from almost white to butter or dark yellow when it’s ready to harvest. Deciding when to harvest a melon is most difficult early in the season when vines are green and healthy, but picking the perfect watermelon can easily be done with a little bit of experience. While every watermelon has a field spot, the best watermelons have creamy-yellow or even orange-yellow spots. Way #5: Make sure your watermelon has reached it’s full growth before you harvest your watermelon. … Lugging home a huge, heavy watermelon from the store or farmers market — as perfect-looking as you could find. Way #3: The rind of your watermelon will take on a dull hew instead of its shiny coloring when it’s ready to harvest. Water at the vine’s base in the morning, and try to avoid wetting the leaves and avoid overhead watering. The field spot is the area where the watermelon rested on the ground. Watermelon is ready for harvest in 60-90 days depending on the variety. Just follow these tips and remember that patience is a virtue with this summer favorite.. amzn_assoc_ad_type = "smart"; A good watermelon is a staple, healthy summer snack, so it is important to know how to pick one, regardless if you are at the grocery store or the local farmers market. What Does an Immature Spaghetti Squash Look Like? Way #1: The first way to know when your watermelon is ready to pick is by checking the curly tendril on the stem above the watermelon when the watermelon is ripe the tendril will turn brown and dry up. amzn_assoc_marketplace = "amazon"; To pick a good watermelon, you want to make sure it is ripe. A juicy slice of fresh watermelon is the true taste of summer. I had watermelon grow from seed from the compost pile this year. Your email address will not be published. If it’s as pasty white as a bald guy’s head in the middle of a Wisconsin winter, it probably hasn’t reach peak ripeness. A juicy slice of fresh watermelon is the true taste of summer. Hello, sadly yes the cold weather will harm watermelon plants. However, “There are some techniques about when to pick a watermelon,” he said, such as looking for a dried-out tendril in the field, as well as color. The fruit's "ground spot" -- the part that rests on the soil while it grows -- becomes tougher as it matures. However, it doesn’t have to be if you look for a few things when you’re picking out your melon. Ripe watermelons also emit a dull thud if knocked on with a fist, while unripe melons make a hollow sound. amzn_assoc_linkid = "155933df8100347c6df4aeed591a50cb"; Have another sure-fire way to know when to pick watermelon? If you turn a watermelon upside down, you should find a yellow spot, which is also known as the field or ground spot. We learned on our trip on how to pick watermelon, we say to spank... There is nothing like a cantaloupe, but low in calories, this isn ’ t my method. From seeds rather than transplanting starter plants, you can start seeds towards end... 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