De facto: (Latin: from the fact) In fact or reality, as contrasted with de jure, by right or by law, defamation: Libel or slander. Laws governing the conduct of parties in war. in the place of a parent. Literally "from law"; something that is established in law, whether or not it is true in general practice. See also. A number of Latin terms are used in legal terminology and legal maxims. A defense of having been somewhere other than at the scene of a crime at the time the crime was committed. right of a will beneficiary to succeed proportionately to a testamentary gift that another beneficiary in the same will cannot or does not want to take. On first appearance absent other information or evidence. Contemporaneously; when the phases of something are done without interruption or any intervening action; specifically, executed in one single execution ceremony (vs. Adjournment: Postponement of a court session until another time or place. One of two ways the U.S. Supreme Court can review cases from the U.S. Court of Appeals is through a writ of. The couple was covered ab initio by her health policy. In contract law, for instance, parties must always act in good faith if they are to respect the obligations. A matter that appears to be sufficiently based in the evidence as to be considered true. "For all intents and purposes". Latin legal terms can seem like a language outside of your everyday use, but you may be surprised at how many you already know. Cf. A condition without which it could not be. One of the requirements for a crime to be committed, the other being, A person's particular way of doing things. ad infinitum. In Latin, ad hoc literally means to this, which has been adapted by English speakers … Also called, Entering into the inheritance, i.e. Something done or realized by the fact of holding an office or position. The effect of the ruling or action is implied by related and subsequent actions, but not specifically stated. The language used in law is changing. A party considered to be the enemy of all nations, such as maritime pirates. one that cannot be ante- or post-dated. Deductive reasoning from general principles. If a suspect is accused of multiple crimes, a prosecutor would refer to one crime. A type of plea whereby the defendant neither admits nor denies the charge. One of three types of contractual terms, the others being, Without force, without secrecy, without permission, Peacefully, openly, and with the intention to acquire ownership; applies to acquisitive prescription, Quasi-contractual obligation arising from good works affecting other people, obliging the benefited party (, If a testator places a prohibition on a testamentary gift but fails to say what should happen to the gift if the prohibition is contravened, the prohibition is said to be ‘nude’, i.e. A second identity living within a person. Aggregate of people, body corporate, as in a college, corporation, or state. Often used in the context of decisions or rulings about a property or thing "left in place" after the case as it was before. antiquus adjective. Many are legal terms, but you'll find others in everyday use, too.Keep your eyes open, and you're sure to notice that Latin is all around you, … Also called a. This term is used in criminal justice proceedings when a person who is not directly involved in the case. Also known as "argument from commitment", a type of valid, part of the title of the old action of ejectment, If a contract is blatantly and obviously incorrect or illegal, it can be considered void. This principle or rule is then used by the court or other judicial bodies use when deciding later cases with similar issues or facts. A Ab extra Definition: From outside Ab inito Definition: From The beginning Accessorius sequitur Definition: One who is an accessory to the crime cannot be guilty of a more serious crime than the principal offender Actus reus Unfortunately, lawyers often forget that while we deal with this language every day, our clients and others involved in the legal system are often hearing strange words for the first time. Also known as a, Prospective damages or loss of profits that would, because of the contractual breach, have been made in the future, Bilateral agreement for direct representation between a principal and agent. Refers to distinctive markings that identify a piece of intellectual property. in ka-me-rah. Used in the context of "directed at this particular person", refers to a judgement or subpoena directed at a specific named individual. An authorization for a document to be printed. Also sometimes used to refer to the Code of Justinian. Refers to obligations between members of the same group or party, differentiated from the whole party's obligations to another party. Property constructs like airspace and water rights are said to be, Differing meaning depending on what type of law is involved. Motions offered at the start of a trial, often to suppress or pre-allow certain evidence or testimony. A ruling or motion made by just one party in a dispute. Used when the court is adjourning without specifying a date to re-convene. Also known as. A calculation adjusted based on a proportional value relevant to the calculation. While it's important that you understand the terms and conditions included in any contract you draft or sign onto, sometimes it takes the expertise of a legal professional to interpret contractual language into plain English. "no-one should be tried twice (in respect to the same matter)", "no-one should be a judge in his own case.". The use of precedent provides predictability, stability, fairness, and efficiency in the law. Concerns something that exists with authority from the law. Refers to legalities considered before entering into a war, to ensure it is legal to go to war initially. 2 types: (Scots law, civil law), usually translated as "prior in time, superior in right", the principle that someone who registers (a. Learning these common words will give you a huge leg up when reading, writing, speaking, and listening to Latin, but remember that most of these words will have various forms due to their cases (Accusative, Genitive, Dative or Ablative) or function in a sentence or clause. Something done voluntarily and with no expectation of a legal liability arising therefrom. Law that specifically codifies something, as opposed to, A language common to an area that is spoken by all, even if not their mother tongue. in lo-ko pa-ren-tis. A writ issue by a higher court to a lower one, ordering that court or related officials to perform some administrative duty. Used when including text in a complaint verbatim, where its appearance in that form is germane to the case, or is required to be included. A trial de novo is a completely new trial. in (his/her) absence. Used when a plaintiff or prosecutor has enough evidence for a case to go to trial. E.g. Compare, Child born with severe deformities. Error on a point of law or procedure (vs. Express or implied contractual terms that are required either by law or by the contract's subject matter. Certain type of clause in a will creating a, Undue performance or payment, obliging the enrichee (, Tutorship, i.e. Plural. (compare. Internationally agreed laws that bear no deviation, and do not require treaties to be in effect. Vegetation naturally growing from old roots (as pasturage) or from trees (as timber or fruit) (vs. Estate of inheritance before vesting in heirs, In the instant case; used when referring to the matter before the court in a case being discussed, Attachment of movables to land, accession by building. Going Viral: The Benefits of Video Marketing | PPU Online, 5 Steps to Create a Social Media Strategy for Your Business, If a contract is entered under false pretenses, a judge can decide that the contract. The Roman praetor (magistrate) responsible for matters involving non-Romans. Refers to some essential event or action, without which there can be no specified consequence. It might seem odd to say that you’re "holding a wolf by the ears," but … In extended form, or at full length. Something wrong or illegal by virtue of it being expressly prohibited, that might not otherwise be so. Refers to a legal proceeding without a judge, or with a judge who does not have proper jurisdiction. Delay in payment or performance on the part of both the debtor and the creditor. The question is raised. Refers to things that are currently existing at a given point, rather than things that are no longer so. pro se - A Latin term meaning "on one's own behalf"; in courts, it refers to persons who present their own cases without lawyers. potissimus adjective. as much as it deserves; as much as she or he has earned. A retroactive law. Laws common to all people, that the average person would find reasonable, regardless of their nationality. vesting of the inheritance in an heir or will beneficiary. This can be used in transfers of legal guardianship, or in the case of schools or other institutions that act in the place of the parents on a day-to-day basis. ipso facto. e.g. Reported by a sheriff on writ when the defendant cannot be found in his county or jurisdiction. Such property or goods are able and subject to being owned by anybody. Ad litem – for the suit. Describes those designated to represent parties deemed incapable of representing themselves, such as a child or incapacitated adult. Wild animals residing on unowned property do not belong to any party in a dispute on the land. This is in contrast to a will, where the transfer takes effect upon one party's death. Litigant, the client in a lawsuit, as opposed to the lawyer. A "subpoena duces tecum" is a summons to produce physical evidence for a trial. Used to describe the power of a judge or arbiter to consider only what is fair and good for the specific case, and not necessarily what the law may require. when the reason for a law ceases, so does the law itself, More commonly rendered in English as "All other things being equal.". The Latin term stare decisis is the doctrine of legal precedent. In law, an observation by a judge on some point of law not directly relevant to the case before him, and thus neither requiring his decision nor serving as a precedent, but nevertheless of persuasive authority. The complete collection of civil laws of a particular jurisdiction or court. The way in which vowels developed in prehistoric Latin suggests the possibility of a stress accent on the first syllable of each word; in later times, however, the accent fell on the penultimate syllable or, when this had “light” quantity, on the antepenultimate. Right of survivorship: In property law, on the death of one joint tenant, that tenant's interest passes automatically to the surviving tenant(s) to hold jointly until the estate is held by a sole tenant. (Scots law) person not having capacity (mental, legal, or otherwise). ACKNOWLEDGMENT. The subjective state of mind of the author of a crime, with reference to the exact knowledge of illegal content of his behaviour, and of its possible consequences. It specifically refers to a replacement trial for the previous one, and not an appeal of the previous decision. ), thereby extinguishing an obligation or right. Latin Phrases Are All Around. Gift or trust that is made in contemplation of death. A body of armed citizens pressed into service by legal authority, to keep the peace or pursue a fugitive. Typically a synonym for International Waters, or in other legal parlance, the "High Seas". Employed when an adult brings suit on behalf of a minor, who was unable to maintain an action on his own behalf at common law. Incidental beneficiary or any outside party to a third-party contract (see, (1) description, whereby the surrounding property is used to provide the legal description of the boundaries of the property; (2) sale, Pledge, i.e. Supposed right of the lord of an estate to take the virginity of women in his estate on their wedding night. Search more than 10,000 legal words and phrases for clear definitions written in plain language. Acquisitive prescription, i.e. the law of the country in which an action is brought out. Used in legal drafts to call attention to some uncertainty or inconsistency in the material being cited. Latin Term. 1. an assured statement made; 2. completion of a will and all its parts to make it valid and legal; 3). In addition to the general warning, also refers to a legal doctrine wherein a buyer could not get relief from a seller for defects present on property which rendered it unfit for use. A warrant issued by a judge for some legal proceedings. This guide is intended to help in two ways: • it should help non-lawyers understand legal phrases; and • it should give lawyers ideas for explaining the legal … "In order to claim possessory rights, an individual must establish physical control of the res and the intention to possess (i.e. An action by a court to correct a previous procedural or clerical error. Our program is fully online, allowing you to balance your education with your busy life, and you can complete your degree in as little as two years. Concept in contract law specifying that all parties must act with the utmost good faith. The power of an executive to prevent an action, especially the enactment of. For the particular end or case at hand without consideration of wider application. Term used in contract law to specify terms that are voided or confirmed in effect only in the future and not prior to the contract, or its adjudication. Most of the Latin maxims developed in the Medieval era in European countries that used Latin as their language for law and courts. a law that makes illegal an act that was not illegal when it was done. A person cannot be convicted of a crime, unless it can be proven that the crime was even committed. ex parte: from, by, or for one party in a dispute. Latin, meaning "in fact" or "actually." principal, chief, best of all, most prominent. When one party withdraws from a contract before all parties are bound. King or Queen. Often used when the implied thing is negative or derogatory. The three major rights in the bundle of rights making up ownership, i.e. ad hoc (for this): said of something created or formed for a special case. The basic element or complaint of a lawsuit. E.g. Used as a defense, when illegal acts were performed under duress. in the place of a parent. Degree of proof: The amount of evidence required in action to establish the truth of an allegation. Appellate court or court of last resort (vs. Lower court from which an appeal originates; originating court (vs. (Civil law) Accretion, i.e. A statement of acceptance of responsibility. Not to be confused with. A situation arising that is not covered by any law, especially when related situations are covered by the law or where the situation appears to fall "between" multiple laws. An example is law prohibiting. Degrees: (Louisiana law) as encumbered, i.e. Used in various contexts to refer to the legal foundation for a thing. Many lawyers are now adopting a plain English style. The official response of the official serving a writ of. In contract law, in a case of innocent representation, the injured party is entitled to be replaced in statu quo. De novo . The place where a legal cause of action arose. The popular opinion of Roman law, held by those in the Medieval period. As in. To set free or discharge form an accusation of guilt of a crime … Refers to a gift or other non-sale transfer between living parties. Opposite of. The act of defending one's own person or property, or the well-being or property of another. Excessive, beyond tolerable; in reference to a nuisance or some other violation of neighbor law. An example would be a tenant being charged a portion of a month's rent based on having lived there less than a full month. A qualification in a treaty or contract, that allows for nullification in the event fundamental circumstances change. the creditor's right to pursue a debt that runs with the land into the hands of a, Lesion beyond moiety, i.e. One who represents themselves in court without the [official] assistance of an attorney. Meeting of the minds, mutual assent, or concurrence of wills. Signifies the intent of a court to consider the points of law argued during advocacy, prior to judgement. As this will not be a barrier to seeking justice, such persons are given, Refers to things to come, or things that may occur later but are not so now. Unworthy beneficiary or heir, who is precluded from inheriting because his conduct makes him unworthy, in a legal sense, to take in the deceased's estate. Latin, meaning "anew." Notation made when a defendant has no tangible property available to be seized in order to comply with a judgement. A false statement made in the negotiation of a contract. Used in the context that one event is a direct and immediate consequence of another. ad in-fee-nee-toom. antique, old, ancient, former, early. The root of the word. 267-284-5000, © 2020 Point Park University Online.All Rights Reserved.Privacy Policy. Something that exists by operation of law. A legal term. Use it free! LibraryThing is a cataloging and social networking site for booklovers All about The most important legal terms you'll ever need to know by Stanford M. Altschul. Prior contract aimed at concluding another contract, known as the parent or principal contract. Specifies that larceny was taking place in addition to any other crime named. An easy-to-understand guide to the language of law from the dictionary experts at Merriam-Webster. In other … in absentia. Harold Rudolf Walraven Gokkel & Nicolaas van der Wal. Etiam si omnes, ego non: Even if all others, I will never: Saint Peter to Jesus Christ, from the Vulgate, Gospel of Matthew 26:33; New King James Version: Matthew 26:33). Cf. The definition list below gives Latin to English translations for the most commonly used latin law terms. May refer to the complete act of a felony, from start to finish, or may refer to statements given that may be exempt from. Used when both parties to a dispute are at fault. See also. All definitions were provided by Merriam-Webster’s legal dictionary. Presumption that young children or persons with diminished mental capacity cannot form the intent to commit a crime. When someone other than the biological parent assumes responsibility for a minor. Used in case citations to indicate that the cited source directly contradicts the point being made. To avoid possibly contradictory judgements, this request will not be granted. Knowledge of the nature of one’s act or omission or of the nature of something in one’s possession that is often a necessary element of an offense. Also known as, Express or implied contractual terms that go to the root of a contract's subject matter. Usually used instead of naming a man's wife as a party in a case. Literally "from fact"; often used to mean something that is true in practice, but has not been officially instituted or endorsed. Also used in the negative "Non compos mentis", meaning "Not of sound mind". forever. Amicus curiae – friend of the court. Learn some of these basic legal words to help you better understand Law and Order and how the legal process works. Also known as. Used to refer to laws specific to the location where specific property exists, or where an offense or tort was committed. A condition given to support requests for urgent action, such as a protective order or restraining order. Complete annihilation of a warring party, bringing about the end of the conflict. Concerning the law as it exists, without consideration of how things should be. Students will take courses such as Criminal Law Procedure, Constitutional Law for Law Enforcement and Court Organization and Operations, in which the Latin phrases you learned here will be used on a regular basis. Used in reference to intellectual property rights, which usually are based around the author's lifetime. where there is the same reason there is the same law; An act that requires legal authority to perform, but which is done without obtaining that authority. Refers to requesting a legal dispute be heard that is also being heard by another court. Refers to having a sufficient legal basis to bring legal action. A partial payment of an award or claim, based on the defendant's ability to pay. Agreement in which one party agrees not to sue the other. That which is the usual custom has the force of law. Arguments made by a third party in disputes over possession, the intent of which is to question one of the principal parties' claims of ownership or rights to ownership. Adjudication: A decision or sentence imposed by a judge. obiter dicta: a judge’s opinion offered in the course of a judgment but having no legal force. The substance of a crime that the prosecutor must prove and that consists of an injury or loss (as death of a victim or disappearance of property) and the criminal act that resulted in it. Usually defined as "what is right and good." The wrongful act that makes up the physical action of a crime. A logical fallacy that suggests that an action causes an effect simply because the action occurred before the effect. Includes binders (in real estate sales), such as a purchase offer or an option to sell. Essentially meaning "before the event", usually used when forecasting future events. A warning or threat to sue, made in the hopes of convincing the other party to take action to avoid a lawsuit. Refers to a matter currently being considered by the court. Adverb: Contracts so made are generally illegal and unenforceable. in loco parentis. 15 Latin Legal Terms Every 1L Should Know 1. In Point Park University’s online Criminal Justice degree program, you’ll learn these terms and more. A clause in a will that threatens any party who contests the will with being disinherited. Commonly spoken as "by one's own accord. malum in se — wrong in itself; a legal term meaning that something is inherently wrong; malum prohibitum — wrong due to being prohibited; a legal term meaning that something is only wrong because it is against the law; mea culpa — my fault; meliora — better things; carrying the connotation of … debtor-creditor, buyer-seller, landlord-tenant, etc. Ownerless property or goods. Used in the title of a decision or comment to identify the matter they are related to; usually used for a case where the proceeding is, Used in the context of a case against property, as opposed to a particular person. testimony. civil law: 1) A generic term for all non-criminal law, usually as it applies to settling disputes between … A writ, directing local officials to officially inform a party of official proceedings concerning them. An order compelling an entity to give oral testimony in a legal matter. The point in a legal proceeding, or the legal precedent so involved, which led to the final decision being what it was. The aggregate of marital property (or marital estate) under a. Often used in the context of public announcements of legal proceedings to come. Plural, Delay in payment or performance in the part of the creditor or obligor. More than that, Latin words, expressions, and abbreviations are part of everyday English, particularly in the areas of law and business. It is a principle of natural justice that no person can judge a case in which they have an interest. Of, relating to, or being a motion, petition, or order regarding the admissibility of evidence whose exclusion is sought especially on the ground that it is prejudicial. Refers to a court or other official agency taking some action on its own accord (synonyms: Willful concealment of the truth when bound to reveal it, such as withholding details of damage from an auto accident from a prospective buyer of the car in that accident. Social law concept wherein citizenship of a nation is determined by having one or both parents being citizens. from the law. The complete collection of laws of a particular jurisdiction or court. according to law; by right. Ab initio (From the beginning) From the beginning. In contract law, and in particular the requirement for consideration, if no fixed price is agreed upon for the service and/or materials, then one party would request a reasonable price for the said services and/or materials at the end of the job. Limitation on how a fiduciary can use the fideicommissary assets; ultimately they must maintain their essential quality until transferred to the fideicommissary. A matter that has been finally adjudicated, meaning no further appeals or legal actions by the involved parties is now possible. Done, occurring, or collected after death. Refers to a situation where a law or statute may be ambiguous, and similar laws applying to the matter are used to interpret the vague one. Land that has never been part of a sovereign state, or land which a sovereign state has relinquished claim to. An encyclopedia of US law drawn from US Federal and State court decisions. 34. Term derives from the. We’ve all watched a suspect give an alibi while watching our favorite legal drama, and you’ve likely entered many quid pro quo agreements if you’ve ever swapped books, recipes or even favors. An intimation about someone or something, made indirectly or vaguely suggesting the thing being implied. A prosecutor tries a criminal case on behalf of the government. It is a polite way of marking a speaker's disagreement with someone or some body of thought. By that very fact or act: As an inevitable result. An "administrator. Not having mental capacity to perform some legal act. Implies sincere good intention regardless of outcome. Used in legal documents in the same sense as "whereby". An order compelling an entity to produce physical evidence or witness in a legal matter. A statement from the prosecution that they are voluntarily discontinuing (or will not initiate) prosecution of a matter. Something (as consideration) given or received for something else. Right of pursuit, i.e. summus adjective. Social law concept wherein citizenship of a nation is determined by place of birth. On behalf of or involving only one party to a legal matter and in the absence of and usually without notice to the other party. If a contract is entered under false pretenses, a judge can decide that the contract never existed and is therefore nonbinding. Refers to one legally competent to manage his own affairs. Below I’ve listed 77 examples of Latin terms every English speaker should become familiar with. A circumstance where the judge may override the jury verdict and reverse or modify the decision. et vir: and husband: A legal term. alienated with the, Curatorship, i.e. Latin Legal Terms. The short declaration at the end of a writing showing that the instrument was duly ... ACQUIT. 1. Unintentional negligence (in tort). A crime scene can be either where the crime took place or any location where evidence pertaining to the crime is found. Often used in copyright notices. In general, any comment, remark or observation made in passing. ", [arising] out of the narration [of the relator]. Et vir: and husband: a standard, testing conduct to decide whether conduct. Of armed citizens pressed into service by legal authority, to keep the peace or pursue debt... Effect from the law ) before... 3 or something, without actually being that thing the,! 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