Another warning may be apt on Continental tires: to beware imminent sidewall failure if it goes out of true ! 8. imminent definition: 1. coming or likely to happen very soon: 2. coming or likely to happen very soon: 3. English Translation of “imminent” | The official Collins French-English Dictionary online. After a period of inaction war between the two countries again became imminent in 1209; but a peace was made at Norham, and about three years later another amicable arrangement was reached. This now stretched from Lubeck to the Pyrenees, from Brest to Rome; while another arm (only nominally severed from the empire by the Napoleonic kingdom of Italy) extended down the eastern shore of the Adriatic to Ragusa and Cattaro, threatening the Turkish empire with schemes of partition always imminent but never achieved. The word usage examples above have been gathered from various sources to reflect current and historial usage. DelbrUck, however, had resigned in 1876, justly foreseeing that a change of policy was imminent in which he could no longer co-operate with Bismarck. of…. However, King Charles remained defiant in the face of imminent defeat. Imminent definition is - ready to take place : happening soon —often used of something bad or dangerous seen as menacingly near. From 1796 to 1798 he was engaged in surveying public lands in Ohio; in 1798 he settled in New York City, and during the period (1798-1800) when war with France seemed imminent he acted as military secretary to Alexander Hamilton, then inspector-general of the United States army. Synonyms: near, coming, close, approaching More Synonyms of imminent. When in 1859 a second war between Piedmont and Austria became imminent, the revolutionary agitation, never completely quelled, broke out once more. Everyone was looking forward to taking the class with such an eminent professor. When we saw the dark clouds gathering, we knew that rain was imminent. , The hurricane is imminent and has homeowners rushing to board up their windows. In a hostile environment where an attack may be imminent, lowering these thresholds may record extra probing from an attacker. imminent in a sentence, Without some type of government funding, the closing of the school is imminent. Definition of Imminent. English words and Examples of Usage Example Sentences for "imminent" Analysts believe that an announcement of the company's bankruptcy is imminentWhen there is imminent danger, many people pray to God. Now the patients'own imminent death was forgotten." 20 examples: In two years, elephants went from imminent danger of extinction to badly in… Here, imminent means that Toby’s arrival to London is about to happen. For a man in imminent danger of losing his job, he appeared quite unruffled. When an attack was imminent, I called Brady and made him swear to take care of you. Imminent and impending usually refer to negative and threatening events that are about to take place (e.g. truckloads of sand and cement were used to stabilize the structure, saving the pier from imminent closure. The peril was imminent and deadly. Campbell, who in 1829 had been elected to the Constitutional Convention of Virginia by his anti-slavery neighbours, now established The Millennial Harbinger (1830-1865), in which, on Biblical grounds, he opposed emancipation, but which he used principally to preach the imminent Second Coming, which he actually set for 1866, in which year he died, on the 4th of March, at Bethany, West Virginia, having been for twenty-five years president of Bethany College. The birth of her child was imminent, if not past due. , Although the basketball team’s manager has discussed making the star player an offer, no decision is imminent because of the hiring freeze. Then the Jews and the Asiatic nations in general are introduced trembling at the imminent downfall of the Babylonian empire. In his last years he travelled through Syria contending against the iconoclasts, and in the same cause he visited Constantinople at the imminent risk of his life during the reign of Constantine Copronymus. There appeared no imminent danger. The cheerleader heel stretch will require a certain amount of flexibility, even during its most imminent stages. A compound sentence with “imminent” contains at least two … Austrian mediation was now imminent, as the Vienna revolution had been crushed, and the new emperor, Francis Joseph, refused to consider any settlement other than on the basis of the treaties of 1815. 6. mischievous to suggest that such a choice is imminent. Let's use both eminent and imminent together in a sentence: "After several years of hard practice and work, the time for this dancer's eminence to shine was imminent.". imminent in a sentence - Use "imminent" in a sentence 1. English Translation of “imminent” | The official Collins French-English Dictionary online. Over 100,000 English translations of French words and phrases. , Without some type of government funding, the closing of the school is imminent. The couple's marriage lasted for a little over two years, and they had two children together, but to most it seemed like the downfall of their marriage was imminent. Sentence example with the word 'imminent' imminent about to be, attracted to, coming, eventual, future, in danger imminent, inevasible, menacing, oncoming, probable, threatening Definition adj. Several imminent events have replaced two months of steadily negative news. The imperious terms in which this decree was couched and its misleading reference to the British maritime code showed that Napoleon believed in the imminent collapse of his sole remaining enemy. (In actuality, the event imminent describes doesn’t have to happen right away, but simply soon.Still, it helps as a mnemonic.) SECOND ADVENTISTS, members of religious bodies whose distinctive feature is a belief in the imminent physical return of Jesus Christ. French Swedish German Dutch Czech Croatian Italian Spanish Danish Latin Finnish Norwegian Russian Indonesian imminent danger or impending lawsuit). 2. "We all believed we were in imminent danger after smelling smoke." How to use imminent in a sentence. Lola is in some secret and imminent peril. The World Food Program is warning of imminent danger of mass starvation. The action of the Curia on this occasion was due to its conviction of the imminent triumph of Christian II. The plug is no longer necessary as labor become imminent and it dislodges. While the typical indicators that labor and delivery are imminent vary from one woman to another, they are each telltale body signals that the baby is nearly ready for delivery. The lack of research in Ireland made the study imminent. More examples. , Some people thought it was funny when the media predicted the imminent death of the drug-addicted celebrity. Examples of Imminent in a sentence. Asian bird flu is out of control; in Africa the same situation is imminent. 1. Given this sorry state of affairs, were any moves imminent? Warned, however, that his arrest was imminent, and possibly persuaded by Rory O'Donnell (created earl of Tyrconnel in 1603), whose relations with Spain had endangered his own safety, Tyrone resolved to fly from the country. was on its way to the front, but had not yet arrived, and a large number of the guns in this sector had been destroyed prematurely, in the belief that retreat was imminent. They warned that an attack is imminent. A cyclist coming along the road had to run into the hedge to avoid imminent collision. 0. With State of Emergency 2's release now imminent, what can players expect from the sequel? 13 synonyms of imminent from the Merriam-Webster Thesaurus, plus 31 related words, definitions, and antonyms. Down to this moment Williams position had been somewhat precarious; with the Norman war generally on hand, feudal rebellion always imminent, and Scottish invasions occasionally to be repelled, he had no easy life. During the persecution of Decius (250-251) Cyprian was exposed to imminent danger, and was compelled for a time to seek safety in retreat. Out of these cookies, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. 4. Though the cavalry were freely engaged, the training of both was so far beneath the standard of the present day that the most that can be credited to them in respect of results is that they from time to time averted imminent disaster, but failed altogether to achieve such a decision as was well within their potential capacities. Cool Quotes: Biggest sign of imminent doom: " Such a thing simply couldn't happen twice Charley. We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. He was exposed to some natural ridicule on the ground that the "Kladderadatsch," which he often spoke of as imminent, failed to make its appearance. Death was almost always imminent. On imminent and eminent ), to whose firmness and insight the Athenians largely owed their triumph in the great campaign of 490 against Persia. The imminent list of example sentences with imminent. That is a comedown for Bangalore's development portal which was headed by a core team of professionals and eminent citizens. Relations between Spain and the United States became strained, and war seemed imminent; but on the 8th of December the Spanish government agreed to surrender the "Virginius" on the 16th, to deliver the survivors of the crew and passengers to an American war-ship at Santiago, and to salute the American flag at Santiago on the 25th if it should not be proved before that date that the "Virginius" was not entitled to sail under American colours. We find the timing of this letter and invitation is absolutely deplorable, as the planning decision is imminent. Click for more examples 1. In December 1901 warlike preparations were being carried on in both states, and the outbreak of active hostilities appeared to be imminent. Perhaps I'd left them this late on purpose, the imminent arrival of the new millenium adding a certain urgency to the ascents. A more recent example (2017) from Daniel Summers in the Daily Beast: “For children on the cusp of mobility, it’s all about the childproofing. Circle the … A general election was imminent, and no party dared to go to the country as the opponents of the fleet. 0 0. teenqueen17. Sieyes, conscious that his political mechanism would merely winnow the air, until the profoundly able and forceful man at his side adapted it to the work of government, relapsed into silence; and his resignation of the office of consul, together with that of Ducos, was announced as imminent. The ' heart czar ' is expected to announce today an imminent change to the Government's guidance on caring for cardiac conditions. The implication was that Castor and Pollux, knowing of the imminent collapse of the roof, had come calling with the purpose of saving Simonides's life as their payment for the poem. So far as it was accompanied by warnings, these were evidently general rather than elicited by any definite and imminent peril to the churches. Such a move is not considered imminent, however, & there are no short-term funding issues at the firm. A video game trailer is a short animation that announces the imminent release of a new game. Someone who's eminent is totally rocking out. A correction may be imminent. Rumors of star midfielder Cristiano Ronaldo's imminent departure are jangling the nerves of the Old Trafford faithful. , $MMT = window.$MMT || {}; $MMT.cmd = $MMT.cmd || [];$MMT.cmd.push(function(){ $MMT.display.slots.push(["45ba4f61-76ac-4b3d-94d4-c9019d2ebe3c"]); }), $MMT = window.$MMT || {}; $MMT.cmd = $MMT.cmd || [];$MMT.cmd.push(function(){ $MMT.display.slots.push(["418b1e7b-a189-47b4-952a-43e52a926ad5"]); }), $MMT = window.$MMT || {}; $MMT.cmd = $MMT.cmd || [];$MMT.cmd.push(function(){ $MMT.display.slots.push(["9b588b9a-598a-47f4-bc83-ba2fd303e5df"]); }). Imminent definition is - ready to take place : happening soon —often used of something bad or dangerous seen as menacingly near. imminent in a sentence, Without some type of government funding, the closing of the school is imminent. It represented a final break with its dominion past, which already became imminent in the 1983 constitution. When the emperor's downfall appeared imminent, Tigellinus deserted him, and with Nymphidius Sabinus brought about the defection of the praetorians. Imminent: 1 adj close in time; about to occur “in imminent danger” Synonyms: at hand , close at hand , impendent , impending close at or within a short distance in space or time or having elements near each other Bistro. Source(s): The acting-president had in his absence been granted leave by the volksraad to carry out various measures opposed to the public welfare; native lands had been indiscriminately allotted to adventurers, and a war with Sikukuni (Secocoeni), a native chief on the eastern borders of the country, was imminent. The Turkish authorities protected him, and serious complications were imminent; but finally an interview ~ i-1-,~ ~4,-i, ,rnl th~ fl,-tih o-,~nt m~, rn~.,-l ~-,,-l ti,~ ~. This may be defined as the expectation of an imminent Parousia or overturning of the current state of affairs. 1 decade ago. The choice was sometimes made early in the reign, when the heir held the title of "Chao Uparach" or "Wang Na," miscalled "Second King" in English, and sometimes was left until the death of the king was imminent. He's also glad that Lizzie is able to take her mind off an imminent hospital appointment with arranging Jill's party. The World Food Program is warning of imminent danger of mass starvation. A more recent example (2017) from Daniel Summers in the Daily Beast: “For children on the cusp of mobility, it’s all about the childproofing. In consequence of the activity of the British cruisers the traders made great efforts to carry as many slaves as possible in every voyage, and practised atrocities to get rid of the slaves when capture was imminent. The basic thought is that a person whose life is in imminent danger has broad latitude to do what is necessar y to save his own life. He mentions that he was an eminent sociologist and at best secondarily an economist. The imminent threat of Malcolm's death or long-term permanent paralysis and vegetative state from serious brain damage had immobilized and terrified them. This is particularly important given the imminent closure of the pit. adjective UK C2 coming or likely to happen very soon: imminent disaster/danger A strike is imminent. This eminent person is distinguished, grand, soaring high above the rest of us chumps. Enemy attack is imminent!The famous singer faces imminent arrest on charges of assault.. With the collapse of negotiations, a labor strike appears imminent. The Counter-Reformation was already imminent. Time Last update: January 19, 2017 catastrophe and a nuclear in. Medical evidence of imminent in a sentence 1 current and historial usage important given the triumph... To its conviction of the imminent enlargement of the latest rapper from Detroit eminent... Baptize, and an announcement of the tiny school looked imminent. and shots were actually between... 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