Ernest Connect is a serial investor, and public speaker who loves all virtues and hate all vices. Snakes are to be found in most parts of the world. Watch out for them around rocky streams, wooded areas, retaining walls, garages, or anyplace around your house where there might be cave like conditions. It is extremely important for you to know their whereabouts as it will help you to avoid … In contrast, news differentiation (i.e., explicitly distinguishing between, "In this chapter, we will argue that stranger fear is an evolved predisposition that increased fitness over the course of human history. Reported in this paper are the results of interviews conducted with 35 hunters in the Akposo Tradionional Area in the Volta Region of Ghana on animal myths and taboos of the people of Akposo and the awareness of the hunters on Ghana Wildlife Regulations. By failing to understand that it was officialdom, rather than bankers, that was responsible for the failure of the creation of rural bank credit, historians have been complicit in the maintainance of a ‘Fabian’ bias in much thinking about land and credit in Africa. Stay away from large rocks, rock and wood piles, areas with heavy overgrowth, or any other area that snakes can use for cover. However, fear of terrorism only enhanced hostile attitudes toward Muslims for individuals with negative and moderately positive prior experiences with Muslims. The bullfight is seen to depict, symbolically, the power of the father, the subtle demands of the mother, and the fear of the child. Meet Ghana's snake seller. Snakes throughout Ghana (usually the royal python, African python, or black cobra [Naja melanoleuca]) have positive taboos or totemic symbols. The fear does not appear to have been engendered by any specific event, nor did it result in a marked increase of prosecutions for rape in the colonial courts. The kindergarten classroom has developed deep cracks with beams hanging loosely ready to ca Answer. Find in our directory the list of companies by tag snakes in Ghana. (JB). This essay presents a brief account of the new rhetoric, deconstruction, and explains its value to scholars of rhetoric and criticism. Thirty-six herpetofaunal species were recorded, comprising of 14 amphibians and 22 reptiles. On the internet, you will find how these Ghana scammers are flirting with expensive cars and mansions look. I hope this article was informative enough, also note that snakes are very poisonous reptiles, so you have to very careful for nothing, keep your homes clean from rats, and if you have bushes around you, it is advisable to cut them down anf spray some chemicals that would drive away snakes from your environment. The snake is constantly crawling through the field. The passive-aggressive component of the Mexican modal personality can be traced to the dominant and harshly punitive role of the father and to the general authoritarian nature of the Mexican culture. Ten of the reptiles were recorded only from interviews. Bankers were prevented from doing so by the establishment in colonial law of ‘customary’ forms of land tenure overtly hostile to the recognition of African private property in land. Some precautions for preventing contact with snakes, thereby decreasing the likelihood of snakebites, have been provided.Ghana Journal of Science Vol. These defence modules are particularly relevant as to mental health because they activate negative feelings and are easily triggered. Your Home of Pest Control and total Environmental Quality Management. Avoiding Snakes While Camping Check your tent before leaving your house. That’s convinced women in northern Ghana, who already grow rice, soybeans and peanuts, brew a millet drink called pito and make jewelry, to risk snake bites to … However, the good news is that most snakes are shy by nature and try to avoid contact with humans. To test the specific effects of news differentiation, a controlled laboratory experiment was conducted. These myths have resulted in the attribution of supernatural powers to snakes and largely portray them in a negative light. In the place of bank credit, officials promoted co‐operatives which were seen as more in keeping with African society. He, however, acting for the spectator, must accomplish this hostile act in a framework of "respect" for authority, and with a studied passiveness in and control of movement. However, a rebellion and the king's death interfered. Snakes travel in search for cold places environments, shelter and most importantantly food. (This was estimated in the 80s - there could be more or less now) Reply Delete. Top Answer. Map. A better understanding of the cultural, social, and traditional roles of these reptiles is fundamental to establishing management plans for their sustainable use. mood—causing, respectively, chronic pain, anxiety and depression. # 233/12, Teshie Nungua Estates, Accra. It makes you an instant novelty. It is an extremely venomous snake in Ghana, and other parts of sub-Saharan Africa. The longest venomous snake in the world is the King Cobra. This substratum of anxiety rose to the surface in the form of a moral panic whenever disturbances in the economy or the body politic were severe enough to unsettle the mask of composure worn by the face of public authority. Despite such shortfalls with the available data, there is evidence that 4.5–5.4 million people a year are bitten by snakes, that 1.8–2.7 million of them develop clinical illness (envenoming) after snakebite, and that the death toll could range from 81,000 to 138,000. Your risk of coming into contact with snakes depends largely on the type of accommodation you're staying in. DO NOT BE SCAMMED BY SNAKE DETERRENT PRODUCTS. The hypothesis advanced in this case study is that fear of losing control was a constant undercurrent in the thinking of the settler minority. issues, as they give them opportunities to take actions that provide them with political ewards. RELATED: 5 Must-Knows To Avoid Deadly Rattlesnakes. appropriate explanation for this rape scare, but it does suggest fruitful lines of investigation by pointing to the relation between anxiety and the desire of the dominant classes in any society to maintain control. Still, others coil up in a tight ball with the head in the middle, some rattle the tail, and a few rub their scales together to produce a rasping “leave me alone” sound, but almost all will flee if given even the slightest opportunity. create lending facilities which were to be directly aimed at extending credit to West African smallholders. Snakes can be poisonous and non-poisonous. What to do when you encounter a snake. Part of the students affirmed to have a fear of snakes, especially women. Keeping your grass mowed is a good way to prevent snakes from slithering around your yard. The taboos and myths were analysed for their significance to biodiversity conservation in the area. Though they can (and have) killed humans, they are, generally far less dangerous to us than their impressive size would make us think. However, most snakes rely on camouflage to avoid being seen altogether. Able to grow up to 1.8m long, this serpent dwells in the leaf-litter forests, although its brilliant blue colour makes it easily identifiable. Try to check your house plumbing system and all the drainage system. They can live in a house for months without noticing it. Your target is to feed it with eatable things and avoid poisonous. Data were obtained during two visits to two study sites in 2012: savanna woodland and riparian forest mosaic. Hostility. Please note that the right expression is"venomous snake', not 'poisonous snake'. Because the venom is an anti-coagulant, patients may begin bleeding internally, from the gums, in the urine, IV puncture sites, etc. Which season in Ghana is snake bites most common? On a more serious note, West Africa - Ghana included - has its fair share of snakes, some of which are venemous. International Games: Da Ga (Ghana) Number of Players: 12 to 20 children Recommended ages: 8-12 years old Origin: This game is from Ghana. Malaria. I Will Close Down Any School That Allows... ‘No Sensible Young Person Will Follow NPP’- A-Plus... Juju Man Arrested For Using Ningo Prampram MP’s... How to Avoid Snakes Slithering Up Your Toilet. in the area to focus on education of the hunters and enforcement of the Wildlife Conservation Regulation to achieve set targets for species protection and conservation. It is important to know that they are more scared of you than you are of them. Though they can (and have) killed humans, they are, generally far less dangerous to us than their impressive size would make us think. How to Avoid a Snake Bite. To prevent snakes from entering your toiley, The ventilation pipe of your toilet should be covered Open ventilation pipes are easy enough for snakes to slither through. The most venomous is the Black Mamba. Four species were frequently encountered at both sites in high numbers: Phrynobatrachus natalensis, P. latifrons, Arthroleptis spp. In open areas outdoors, none of these products work as advertised. Replies. © 2008-2020 ResearchGate GmbH. Unravelling the complicated web of male concerns about gender, property and politics is a difficult business at any time, but some progress can be made by studies of this kind which focus on societies which believe they face a fundamental assault upon their domestic arrangements. Your target is to feed it with eatable things and avoid poisonous. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Xbitgh.Com  is Ghana’s Hottest News/Entertainment website inaugurated to deliver 24/7 of entertainment across the GLOBE. There are not so many people that are killed by snakes every year, but people are still very afraid of them. The fear on the part of colonial officialdom was that bank credit, extended on the basis of a legal recognition of private property, would have a corrosive effect upon the African ‘community’. If you continue to use this site we will assume that you are happy with it. Snakes and snake bites Snakes are to be found in most parts of the world. Nocturnal snakebites were mostly confined to homes and roads, a pattern found in many other rural areas of … A review on human attitudes towards reptiles in Brazil, Herpetofauna under threat: A study of Kogyae Strict Nature Reserve, Ghana, Students’ attitudes toward and knowledge about snakes in the semiarid region of Northeastern Brazil, Myths, taboos and biodiversity conservation: The case of hunters in a rural community in Ghana, On Bullfights and Baseball: An Example of Interaction of Social Institutions1, On Bullfights and Baseball: An Example of Interaction of Social Institutions 1, Beyond the symbol: Deconstructing social reality. Most of the German General Staff members thought of their eastern neighbor as a vast and hostile country with a barbaric and despotic government, while the Russian people were seen as dumb and lazy, frugal and naive. By contrast, the "intellectualization" component of the Anglo modal personality can be traced to the superficial ethic of "equality" among family members and to the general intellectualized nature of highly urbanized societies. As people become wealthier, it becomes easier for them to avoid what previously would have been seen The mesh allows the ventilation system still do its work while also stopping snakes. Farming activities primarily take place during morning or late afternoon in order to avoid excessive sun exposure and heat during midday. A study was conducted in Mathias Hospital, Yeji, an area of Ghana, where snake bite cases are an important cause of morbidity and mortality, with a case fatality rate of 11% (8/72). Therefore, if you live in a snake prone area, try using certain plants that repel both venomous and non-venomous snakes around your garden, activity areas, and household entryways. We find that the rural students recognized significantly more species than the urban students. We argue that news coverage that explicitly links Islam to terrorism or terrorists of the Islamic State (IS) may trigger fears in non-Muslim individuals. This is called the " Home of the Snake". SAFETY TIPS #1. For many millennia humans and reptiles have interacted, but the attitude of humans towards these animals has depended on culture, environment, and personal experience. There are different species of snakes which are black, some are dangerous and some are not. A doctor on Twitter has shared safety tips days after an eight-months pregnant woman died after getting bitten by a snake when she went to pee at A venomous snake bite quickly affects different organs including the lungs, heart, central nervous system, red blood cells and muscles. Humans in various cultures have feared snakes, provoking an aversion and persecution that hinders conservation efforts for these reptiles. In spite of the popularity of the myths and taboos they appeared to have played minimal role in the protection and conservation of biodiversity in the area because they either misdirect attention from real conservation problems or have a ritual as a remedy for the violation which serve as an antidote against the intrigue and fascination associated with the beliefs. Nibble your way through 100 amazing rounds in 5 worlds with 20 different bosses! The main threats to the herpetofaunal species of the study area include habitat destruction due to annual bushfires and killing of large reptiles like the monitors as well as snakes. Early explorers and missionaries, including the Great Egyptologist, Belzoni, often died of … ... All over the world and throughout recorded history, snakes have been a source of fascination and fear and they have been both worshipped and despised. There is a lot you can do to avoid snakes showing up on your toilet and homes. But having some sort of block like a mesh or wire covering will keep the snakes and any other pests (like rats!) Just like clutter, certain shrubs and other plants provide the perfect hiding spot for a neighborhood snake. Avoid leaving windows open for too long. 4 years ago 8693 views by Charles Ayitey. Our results point to the need for educational interventions in order to increase knowledge about the positive aspects associated with snakes, seeking to minimize the influence of myths and beliefs that contribute to a strong aversion to snakes by the locals. Discords are mismatches—between the human environment of evolutionary adaptation and present life—that can have negative consequences for health and happiness. Avoid water gardens and Koi ponds as these water features attract snakes… One way to do this would be installing a roof vent hood. The most prevalent mental problems are associated with unwarranted activity in three punishment submodules—pain, fear and low, Racism, hostility towards foreigners, ethnocentrism, fear of deviance from the norm and privileges for local residents are phenomena that have now been present in European societies for many years, in many aspects and to a varying extent. This species is widely distributed in West Africa, while the genus Echis extends into Central and East Africa, the Middle East, through to the southern areas of the former Soviet Union and to north-west India and Sri Lanka ( Warrell, 1993 , Warrell, 1995 ). and an attentive public are searching for real and potential health issues, politicians might be happy with those emerging In countries like Ghana and Chad, the introduction of new anti-venoms led to mortality rates from snakebites rising from around two percent to between 12 and 15 percent. there are about 92 different snake species in Ghana. German Empire. If you are a hunter and like hunting for wild animals, you are going to have to protect your legs from snake bites because of its dangers. 44, 2004: 73-86, ... regius) are tabooed and worshipped in some African societies (Cansdale and Wood 1961). A rope is not enough of a deterrent. It is documented (in Ghana) that this oversight can have disastrous consequences – increasing hospital case fatality from 1.8% (when using an effective antivenom) to 12.1% - following treatment with a newly imported antivenom whose efficacy against West African snake envenoming had not been determined. How To Avoid Snakes From Slithering Into Your Toilet. out of your bathroom. 4. Off the top of my head: (in alphabetical order): Black Mamba Boomslang Cobra (spitting) Gaboon Viper Green Mamba Puff Adder My father once killed a Spitting Cobra that appeared in a neighbor’s garage. Our courses are presented by Johan Marais, one of Africa’s leading herpetologists with over 40 years’ experience and the author of best-sellers such as "A Complete Guide to Snakes of Southern Africa", "Snakes and Snakebite in Southern Africa" and "First Aid for Snakebite", to mention just a few. There are many different snakes in Ghana. Find out: how to avoid snake bites, the symptoms and danger signals and what vaccina… The first visit was in the dry season in January 2012 for five days and the second visit in the rainy season in June 2012 for six days. Reply. This passive-aggressiveness is perpetuated in the macho pattern of the Mexican male, and in the "martyr" pattern of the Mexican female. Humans have thus relentlessly persecuted snakes over the years, with negative implications for ecosystem balance and biodiversity conservation. Safety, on the other hand, Most snake bite cases in an area of Ghana are attributed to the carpet or saw-scaled viper (Echis ocellatus). In current historiography, the German General Staff with its responsibility for war planning and military intelligence is usually playing a key role in the emergence of World War One. 2010-09-21 03:43:42 2010-09-21 03:43:42. Snakes live where they can ambush their favorite prey. The concept of Darwinian happiness is based on the dual principle of avoiding discords and boosting the positive output of mood modules. Approximately 94.3% and 97.1% of the hunters respectively were not aware of the close season and license requirement for hunting, contrary to high levels of wareness and compliance with many of the myths and taboos. The monitors and snakes are killed largely for food, while snakes in general are killed because of irrational fears arising out of human superstition. “Muslims are not Terrorists”: Islamic State Coverage, Journalistic Differentiation Between Terrorism... Snakes, Spiders, Strangers: How the Evolved Fear of Strangers May Misdirect Efforts to Protect Child... "To Reunite the Great Family": Free Blacks and Haitian Emigration, Bankers, peasants, and land in British West Africa 1905–37, Hostility and Violence towards Foreigners in Germany. The puff adder is not the most venomous African snake species, yet it is thought to be responsible for the most human fatalities. When poisonous snakes bite human beings and dogs, they can kill them hence not all snakes can be welcomed. You would agree with me that rats are delicious delicacies to snakes, and this rats are found in our homes, or within our homes. In a patriarchal society where women were part and parcel of property to be defended against threats from below, fear of rape was a special concern of white males. or made less, Previous research shows that news about Islamist terrorism can seriously affect citizens’ fear reactions and influence non-Muslims’ out-group perceptions of Muslims. Avoid Snake Habitat: In general, snakes hang out in damp, cool, protected areas. There are several reasons for this, including the snake's wide distribution, its prevalence in areas populated by people, and the fact that it relies on its camouflage to avoid detection. Labour ward The stationed midwife at the facility, Gladys Gyimah, is also worried about how she has to improvise a delivery bed for pregnant women who deliver at the facility. Using interviews, personal experiences, and available reports, this paper attempts to explain away 18 common Ghanaian snake myths as mere misconceptions, while also portraying snakes as quite important and indeed, useful components of the global ecosystem. History of snake antivenom You know, there are a lot of strange things that can end up in your toilet. Muslims and Muslim terrorists) may dampen particular fear reactions in citizens. Series of questions that intends to reveal something about the personality, Series of questions with right and wrong answers that intends to check knowledge, Voting to make decisions or determine opinions, Submit your own item and vote up for the best submission, Upvote or downvote to decide the best list item, Upload your own images to make custom memes. Emigration societies sprang up in the United States all along the Atlantic seaboard and as far west as Cincinnati. The Medical Officer at the facility is worried about the increasing cases of snake bites and the lack of anti snake venoms at the facility. Statistics about snakes are incomplete and therefore unreliable but, globally, perhaps 100,000 people a year die from snake bite; cobras are probably responsible for the most deaths. These negative perceptions of snakes are widespread in largely ophiophobic Judeo-Christian societies, which condemn snakes for their perceived treachery against humans as represented by Adam and Eve in biblical times [57][58]. Many Nigerians do not know where to get the poisonous snake antidote or have no idea about the price/cost. If you are in a nature reserve you should never kill a snake. Data was collected in the second half of 2012 and consisted of questionnaires applied to 108 students in the Basic Education School in the municipality of Sume, located in the semiarid region of Northeastern Brazil. The relocation process was not always successful, and some disenchanted blacks returned to the United States. The Blue Coral Snake is striking in appearance, but its toxic venom is highly dangerous and can cause death in just 30 minutes. Early explorers and missionaries, including the Great Egyptologist, Belzoni, … Sista Afia is not a deep thinker, she can’t even... More doctors and nurses will die from COVID-19 – Prophet... Dr. Zanetor Rawlings Retains Seat At Klottey- Korle Constituency, John Dumelo Weeps As Lydia Alhassan Beats Him In Ayawaso West Wuogon, Alleged conversation between Tracey Boakye and MzBel about Mahama leaks, Social media users call out Mzbel for ‘stealing’ her prayer to Jane Opoku Agyemang, Instead Of Buying Mouse Poison Try This New Method That I Used To Kill 15 Rats In 5 Hours, Photos: World’s first albino gorilla captured in Africa, taken to zoo in Spain. They would rather flee than be cornered, but if trapped will use their natural defenses. Snake meat in Nigeria is sourced from both home and abroad. Still, others coil up in a tight ball with the head in the middle, some rattle the tail, and a few rub their scales together to produce a rasping “leave me alone” sound, but almost all will flee if given even the slightest opportunity. Wiki User Answered . Snakes. The most common is python, cobra and African adders. In modern, developed societies, however, the same native bias against strangers may obscure perception of the greater threat of child harm posed by familiar peers, acquaintances, friends and kin. However, the biggest and longest snakes in the world all belong to the Boidae family (Boas and Pythons) and are not venomous. Familiarize yourself with habitats common to snakes in your areas and avoid them. Their colour varies from grey to dark brown. Wealthier societies are thus characterized by a reduction in the fear of numerous health hazards, The attempt to mute authority by a pseudo-philosophy of togetherness, when authority is in fact assumed by the father, the mother, and by the society, engenders a vagueness in role definitions, confusion in behavioral expectations, and an intellectualization of the resultant of the resultant conflict. Invasion by snakes and other reptiles during teaching hours is also a common feature at the school. Haiti was desperately short of manpower, and Boyer, who feared a French invasion, needed allies. However, most snakes rely on camouflage to avoid being seen altogether. Puff Adder. We found 1 companies. A Ghanaian snake seller has not only caught the attention of hundreds of Ghanaians but also revealed some of the innovative ways Ghana's unemployed youth are making money. Unlike the family situation, the awesome authority does not prevail, but rather is dominated and destroyed through the courage and daring of the matador. Invasion by snakes every year, but people are still very afraid of them Home of control... Is not the most prone to snakebites [ 23, 47, 50 54! Tent before leaving your house species were recorded, comprising of 14 amphibians and 22 reptiles many others stayed sent. Preventing contact with animals, including dogs, monkeys, snakes can be welcomed as involuntary hazards consequences. 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