Nigeria suffers from another big problem - tribalism. Where DT = Doubling time in years and GR = Growth rate in percentage International Programs Centre, US Bureau for Census, (2005). How accurate will the population census being slated by the year 2006 in Nigeria be? The government of China restricted child birth to one child birth per family (disabusing the male-child preference syndrome) and as a result, this has reduced high infant mortality, old-age social security, lack of population control education as it is currently inversely seen in Nigeria and other third world countries. It`s especially seen in the Northern states where the Total Birth Rate is as high as 6.5. The most problematic zones for Nigeria regarding population are rural areas! believe that Nigeria is or has already exceeded the carrying capacity. In 2015, the estimated number of people in Nigeria had grown to 182.2 million, a 300% increase in 56 years. Therefore, one of the main goals of the Federal Government is to decrease the population growth of Nigeria. Such a decrease takes place over a relative short period of time, resulting in what is known as a population crash or dieback. Although other sources differed on the exact figure, virtually all sources agreed that the annual rate of population growth in the country had … It's population density is estimated at approximately 13-14 people per square kilometre and it has a total population of 21.6 million with 94% living on just 35% of the land. Lowland plains, flat river valleys and deltas and volcanic areas with fertile soil … Population growth is influenced by various factors and dynamics that are manifested at global and local scales and have led to the distribution of the current population. For the health sector of Nigeria, which is already not in the best state, the high population growth is very problematic. That's why the Federal Government has to make a plan with the limited resources it has. The main objective of the research work is to enable us know the effects of rapid population … pressure on the environment (an environment that obviously has no means of any In 1950, its population was less than 40 million, meaning it has multiplied several times over in recent decades. If the population growth continues to be high, the resources will not be divided adequately! rate analysis. Therefore, it's only natural to appeal to the citizens to reduce their ambitions to make more children. Thus, it will be better to curtail this menace that is eminent in the next 27 years, so that the Nigerian environment can be passed on to the generations coming in 27 years improved and not impaired. country's fuel mix. Breaking: Massive heartbreak in DMW camp as Davido loses personal bodyguard of over 6 years, Hilarious video of Zlatan Ibile trying to feed Davido with meat in private jet gets Nigerians laughing, Yanzu-yanzu: Zan bude boda nan ba da dadewa ba, Buhari, Mummy Ifeanyi take it easy on us! Nigeria's per capita carbon emissions have fluctuated over the past 20 years, but generally have stood at or near 0.20 metric tons of carbon equivalent (although ranked among the lowest OPEC members in Africa). How many is too many? However, oil, like every other resource, tends to be limited. Eventually, Nigeria will need to transform its economy from exporting its resources to exporting of goods. Critically analyzing this situation, it is definitely obvious that the population will double but the space (geographical area of Nigeria) will not double since it is fixed. Nigeria has the largest population in Africa, and it … of Petroleum Resources DPR Nigeria (2005), The rank of Nigeria’s carbon emissions (Department of Air pollution and human congestion in Nigeria: The increase in air pollution has remained a problem in Nigeria, as other sources such as automobiles and diesel-fired electricity generators contribute to the choking air in cities such as Abuja and Lagos, which are plagued by daily smog shrouding the skyline of the central city. (Fig. Oil extraction in the Niger Delta has had a significant impact on the environment. While it`s almost impossible to ask Nigerians to stop making love- it`s possible to promote the use of contraceptives! time it will take Nigeria to reach its carrying capacity and this will put enormous Ordinarily, the rapid growth of Nigeria population should be a plus to the country, but it seems not due to several factors-growing unemployment, poverty, lack of basic amenities, poor economy … With this high growth We don’t know how close the population in Nigeria is to either enough or too many (an attribute of a nation in need of an adequate data bank for information). This is the first in a two-part series on measuring and understanding economic growth and poverty in Nigeria, presenting findings from EPAR Technical Report #327. By acting as sustainable world viewers, Nigerians will know the effects of a rapid population growth on the environment and its resources. Nigeria population can significantly influence its economy in the future. Which African country has the highest level of poverty in 2018? Source(s): These impacts are seen already through: Thus, population control is seriously needed if Nigerian’s are to leave sustainably, but the question is: where is population control needed most in Nigeria and what might inhibit its success? Largest in Africa. Increase in human population over a given geographical area (like that of Nigeria) will lead to human congestion or high population density and air pollution in most cities, which is already being experienced and will be on the increase with the increase of human population. from just 0.42 quadrillion Btu (quads) in 1980 to approximately 0.92 quads in Petroleum Resources DPR Nigeria (2005). What will happen if the population were to exceed its earth’s carrying By Wilson Chapman , Contributor July 10, … The biggest desert on the Earth is on the Nigeria's northern border. Some experts are of the opinion that it should be as drastic as China's ex-policy “One family - one child”. Unfortunately, a lot of experts believe that it will create more problems rather than make things better. These factors, mixed with a lack of government willpower to monitor and enforce, makes this approach to population policy difficult in Nigeria. READ ALSO: How many daughters did Job have? Because of the large and increasing population size the number of people added to the global population will remain high for several decades. country's primary energy consumption in the mid-1990s to nearly 32% today. The high population growth of Nigeria is described as a “risk factor” by the Economic Recovery and Growth Plan. Finally, for the already degraded environment, it will be helpful if strict adherence to the promotion of environmental risk assessments prior to project initiations is adopted. This is one of the aftermaths of the phenomenon explained earlier or the consequences of having a variable factor like population growth on a fixed factor like the geographical area of Nigeria which ultimately will remain limited (923,768 sq. has declined by around 50% since 1997. Natural gas accounted for the bulk of the What then will the population of Nigeria be, with a population growth rate of There are now more than 28,000 cities with more than 5000 inhabitants and about 1000 with more than 100000 inhabitants. Therefore, one of the main goals of the Federal Government is to decrease the population growth of Nigeria. (1997) showed that often times, population growth is measured in energy use because it is a reasonable measure that correlates to several types of environmental damages (i.e., to say that a higher population will use up more energy and the search for energy degrades the environment). Nigerian energy consumption: Energy consumption per capital for example, can be said to be an indicator that reflects annual consumption of commercial primary energy (coal, lignite, petroleum, natural gas and hydro, nuclear and geothermal electricity) in kilograms of oil equivalents per capita. Also, there is not much profit from the oil industry for every Nigerian to enjoy. ), when applied to the world’s population of 6.4 billion (Sept. 2005 est.) It has been estimated that between 2000 and 2030, nearly 100% of this annual growth will occur in the less developed countries in Africa, Asia and Latin America, whose population growth rates are much higher than those of more developed countries. Newer and tighter regulations and enforcement of existing environmental and population laws will help stem the degradation of the environment and excessive population growth. At the moment, Nigeria’s growth rate is projected at 2.56% (Department Unfortunately, a lot of experts believe that it will create more problems rather than make things better. and almost 3,150,643 the second year based on double time population growth United Nations projections are also included through the year 2100. But Nigeria can reduce the population level without having to go to such extremes. Even though population density is high (288 people/square mile), it is not equally distributed. Hughes et al. Like other universities, FEU Diliman is experiencing a high number of BSA students’ shifters and low academic performance in accounting course. This has led to: population will be between 10 and 20 billion, in which case, at present growth Even now, the high population growth has led to a problem for every economic programme in Nigeria. to leave adequately and be sustained with the limited resources. Drastic measures are needed to solve this eminent time bomb that is fast eating its way like a cankerworm into the potential existence of Nigeria as one of the most domineering nations in Africa and the world at large. It will help to reduce the problem of high population. emissions. 41391d60-418a-4708-83ce-8292cb45f083.jpg. It is believed in science that matter occupies space and space is limited, as a result, this phenomenon in turn will show that the fixed factor like space (environment) will be affected when a continuous factor like population growth is put on it. … The Federal Government of Nigeria declares the nation’s growth as one of the unsustainable factors of the economy of the country. In the case of Nigeria which is used here as a spotlight in this discussion, this analysis method is used to identify and analyze the characteristics and demographic/economic effects on a nation covering a land area of 923,768 sq. Population growth is a global priority because of the problems posed by the demographic explosion of recent years. Lack of education: The lack of education especially as related to population education, sex education and the lowering of infant mortality and birth rates. The implications can be drawn from the analogies to the population growth of other life forms in more limited ecological niches. Therefore, one of the main goals of the Federal Government is to decrease the population growth of Nigeria. Continue reading to find out! Since then, it became obvious that Nigeria’s population was leading to a rapid population growth. I guess its better imagined than said. In summary, the major macroeconomic factors that influence economic growth in Nigeria are physical capital, labor force, foreign direct investment, foreign aid, inflation, and government expenditure. Unfortunately, a lot of experts believe that it will create more problems rather than make things better. 27 years is a short period of time from now. Taking China as a case study, China is one country that almost suffered such an inevitable situation, but where able to manage and checkmate this problem by taking some bold steps like the limitation on the birth rate. It's only possible with the creation new policies geared towards the family planning! Studies carried out by the Federal Environmental Protection Agency (FEPA) show a moderate-to-high concentration of pollutants such as carbon monoxide, sulfur dioxide, nitrogen oxides, organic acids and hydrocarbons in the atmosphere, the majority of which come from automotive engines and industries. 2). Hence, sustainable development becomes even more important overall and giving room for more work to be done in a different approach on the effect of the population on the Nigerian environment. Resources DPR Nigeria (2005), Chat on Nigeria fuel share of energy consumption, 2001 (Department can therefore project the state the environment will be in within the next 27 Mrs. Zaina Ahmed points out that the country's resources are limited and times are hard. Therefore, she believes that families should reduce the number of children they have. This should not have been the case when one looks at the crude oil reserve of China and the foreign exchange that ought to be earned by China (which most oil producing nations like Nigeria currently enjoy) but instead such foreign exchange are expanded to import the crude oil to sustain the large population of about 1.2 billion. rate of 1.4%, we will reach a carrying capacity within the next 50-100 years. If on the other hand the carrying capacity is too far exceeded, the population will crash to zero, resulting in extinction or the environment will be highly depleted, at least in that particular environment which is eminent in Nigeria if the population growth is not checked. This has forced large numbers of Igbo, Ibibio, and Hausa people to migrate to other parts of the country. Which means that on average, every woman has 5.5 children. negative effect on the environment and within the projected time will be facing 10 main factors of population growth in Nigeria. economy (fueled by oil development), Nigeria's energy consumption has risen It's population density is estimated at approximately 13-14 people per square kilometre and it has a total population of 21.6 million with 94% living on just 35% of the land. If you take tribalism and multiply it by a high population – you will get a massive problem! Photo by Joshua Oluwagbemiga on Unsplash 1. Thus, this research is aiming to point out the eminent and unavoidable results of continuous increase in human population in Nigeria. The oil company Royal Dutch Shell has caused devastating environment… Hit hard by the spread of the coronavirus, the decline in oil prices, and other consequential factors, Nigeria slips into its predicted recession in Q3 2020. and industrial uses as a means of combating deforestation and over-reliance Much of the current data suggests the population growth spurt isn’t slowing down anytime soon. Militancy in the Niger Delta is one of the major factors affecting economic growth in Nigeria.Kidnapping and blowing up of major pipelines carrying crude oil for export, and disruptions of crude oil production of 2.2 million barrels per day, almost crippled the nation’s economy when it reduced to half.The Nigerian economy depends solely on foreign exchange earnings from the sale of crude oil and gas. Nigeria is one of the developing countries, whose population increased … Factors affecting population growth are both social and biological issues. The average Nigerian believes in Quantity. There are so many factors responsible for high population growth in Nigeria, which are both social and biological issues. Carbon emission in Nigerian: In 2001, Nigeria emitted 23.5 million metric tons of carbon, slightly down from a high of 27.7 million metric tons of carbon emitted in 1996 but still an overall increase since 1980, when the same figure was 18.9 million. One can only guess than imagine the accuracy of such a census in a country were such an issue is considered as a mere process of disbursing funds by some myopic thinking ones. The two key factors to decrease population is the Contraceptive Prevalence Rate and Total Fertility Rate. At the moment China imports crude oil to sustain and increase their domestic production and consumptions. BRIEF HISTORY OF POPULATION GROWTH TREND IN NIGERIA After the independence in 1960, a successful population census was carried out in Nigeria in 1964, which an estimated population of 55.6 million people was taken into account. The Federal Government of Nigeria even declares the nation's growth as one of the unsustainable factors for the economy. In addition, environment alists are concerned that renewed emphases on coal Tin mining has caused soil erosionand has polluted water supplies. coal as a replacement for oil and fuel wood also will lead to increased carbon Cue should be taken from China and other countries like Russia, Hungary, Estonia etc with negative population growth rates, in trying to address her rapid population growth. km). A key factor affecting the growth of the population is the death, or mortality, rate. The second most obvious problem is the unemployment rate! of years it will take Nigeria to double in size is approximately 27 years. The environment is already being With this high growth rate and applying the double time growth analysis, Nigeria’s population will be expected to have added 3,072,000 persons the 1st year of the estimate and almost 3,150,643 the second year based on double time population growth rate analysis. Although some views might vary as regarding the approach by this work, which is based on the fact that population growth (a factor) plays a major role or acts as a major contributor in environmental degradation of Nigeria’s environment. With a population growth rate of two to three percent every year, Nigeria’s population is expected to continue to skyrocket. The Christian religion in turn prohibits the most effective forms of contraception and most are anti-abortion. We begin with the Social factors, which includes … 1. What will happen if the unemployment rate is high, tolerance level is low, resource level is low, and the birth rate is high? remainder with 31.7%, with hydropower (6.8%) and coal (0.2%) rounding out the Introduction Over the years there have been growing concerns of the students in minimizing the rising BSA population shifters. km, with a population of 120 million and endowed with numerous natural resources (in limited quantity). The World Bank estimate of Nigeria's 1990 population was 119 million, with an estimated annual growth rate of 3.3 percent. Nigeria, like you already know, is one of the developing countries in the world and its population is has increased significantly in the last few years. This is probably with out doubt the Demographers estimated the population to be 91,178,000 in 1985. Some of these results are; depletion of resources, human congestion, weather modification, high unemployment rate, environmental degradation and a lot more. years which is the time it is expected for the human population to double in You might be asking why. In the minds of pessimistic environmentalists and population demographers, it may have already gone beyond enough. Factors Affecting Nigerias Underdevelopment. Results on the effects of population growth in Nigeria: The overall effects of this growth on the living standards, resources use and the environment will continue to change the Nigerian landscape for a very long period of time if nothing is done to checkmate the rapid population growth. total depletion and highly inhabitable to the human population. What factors affect population density and distribution? The difficulties experienced in preparing an adequate work of this magnitude using the double time projection cannot be overlooked when considering that population census in Nigeria is done with minimal accuracy as the actual population estimate of 120 million used in this calculation is seen as not being correct (underestimated) by many population demographers and environmentalists. km which represents a fixed factor and the population which is varying in an increasing order as shown in the results presented is the variable factor. Nigeria is not a country with a one-nation mentality. Lv 4. Various independent health organizations all over the world are of the opinion that Nigeria will soon be the third most populous country in the world! The factors responsible for population growth in Nigeria are numerous and this includes; lack of birth control, religious beliefs, low mortality rate, and financial incentives. Abortion is illegal though. will be expected to have added 3,072,000 persons the 1st year of the estimate This will definitely increase if the population growth is not checked. The Government can't provide adequate opportunities for economic growth in Nigeria. annually. Currently the world’s population growth rate stands at about 1.4% (2000 est. This site is protected by reCAPTCHA and the Google Privacy Policy and Terms of Service apply. For example the living conditions of the USA. 0 0. peter. Recently, That`s why it's important to provide contraceptives in rural areas of the country! size using the double time calculation. 4). This is because continuous geometrical population growth will only add more pressures on the environment and its resources and can only contribute more to unnecessary congestion, water scarcity, air, land and water pollution in cities like Abuja and Lagos and above all high unemployment rate which at the moment stands at 28% (Globalis Interactive World Map, 2005). It produces an average of 3 million barrels per day and imports another 2 million barrels per day. mining will not only lead to environmental degradation, but they fear that using It will be adequate if Nigerians learn to think and act as sustainable world viewers rather than the so called frontier world viewers of the environment. (Globalize Interactive World Map. Oil spills have destroyed aquatic ecosystems and burning gases associated with oil extraction has caused considerable air pollution, leading to the release of greenhouse gases and causing respiratory problems for local people. Even though population density is high (288 people/square mile), it is not equally distributed. The resources in Nigeria are limited, and it seems that this country will continue to be resource oriented for a long time. capacity to sustain it? Mrs. Zaina Ahmed, the Minister of State for Budget and national planning, gave her position concerning the population growth of Nigeria. But the Federal Government of Nigeria is going an opposite direction. Apart from the effects discussed earlier, other negative effects that are paramount with further increase in human population are: More cars (more pollution) as seen in Lagos and Abuja, direct effect on the water table (water scarcity) which is fast dropping below normal, overuse of natural resources, deforestation, desertification, urban sprawl, clearing land for residential use and increased garbage. such a society would be regarded as developed. The age where population increase is seen by many in Nigeria as the key to the control of political power and resources should be discarded and a proactive approach adopted. Unfortunately, the Federal Government of Nigeria can't create a plan for the country's resources if the population keeps growing. 4 years ago. An over-consumption or poverty based approach may even be a larger, more potent factor. Non-renewable resource consumption and depletion like crude Nigeria population can significantly influence its economy in the future. This study discusses the use of double time growth analysis in the explanation of the need for population control in Nigeria and the potential danger that might emanate from the continuous neglect of environmental issues presented by environmentalists and population demographers in Nigeria and the world at large. 3). Nigeria has no shortage of arable land overall, but there is an extreme shortage of farmland in the most densely settled areas of the southeastern states and around Kano, Katsina, and Sokoto. Recent government talks on a new population policy to limit the number of children per mother to two shows that Nigerian policymakers may be barking up the wrong tree. improved technology in dealing with environmental issues). CAUSES, EFFECT AND SOLUTION TO POPULATION GROWTH IN NIGERIA (A CASE STUDY OF ESAN CENTRAL LOCAL GOVERNMENT AREA) ABSTRACT The subject matter of this research is the causes, effect and solution to population growth on the Nigeria economy a case study of Esan Central Local Government Area. Nigeria is estimated to be the third most populous country in the world by 2050 with a population … Even today, the health sector can't survive without international help! In Nigeria to leave adequately The Nigeria fisheries sub sector contributes about 3-4 percent to the country’s annual GDP and is an important contributor to the population’s nutritional requirements, constituting about 50 percent of animal protein intake. Newspaper reports quoting EFCC, give large figures of amounts past government officials have allegedly stolen. Rapid population growth has led to the citizens to reduce the number of BSA students shifters... Decrease the population growth in Nigeria, we need to transform its economy in best. May affect findings on average, every woman has 5.5 children because the quest energy. Increase their domestic production and consumptions one path for Nigeria regarding population are rural areas of the view that growth. Rather than make things better, and it seems that this country will continue to 91,178,000... In essence China is importing almost an average of 3 million barrels day! 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