$3.20 shipping. Nutritional Value Of Muskmelon: Muskmelon provides 34 calories per 100-gram serving. The flesh and seeds of muskmelon can be enjoyed in many ways in main dishes, desserts, and snacks alike. & detox juicing guide. Cantaloupe is a species of musk melon, as are honey dew and casaba melons. The Truth About Oats & Gluten, Dangers of Energy Drinks + Healthy Alternatives to Boost Alertness, 47 Terrific Leftover Turkey Recipes for After Thanksgiving. Plus, it’s rich in important antioxidants like caffeic acid and ellagic acid. Here are a few of the top health benefits of eating muskmelon. Studies show muskmelon possesses potent anti-inflammatory properties, which may be due to the presence of antioxidants and polyphenols that help block the build-up of harmful free radicals. Additionally, muskmelons contain antioxidants, which are compounds that fight cellular damage. $2.89 $ 2. Muskmelon is a juicy and sweet summer fruit. Many varieties of cantaloupes grown all over the world. It also has fewer calories and carbs and is slightly higher in fiber. Alternatively, try sprinkling them over soups and salads. 30 CRENSHAW MELON Muskmelon Cranshaw Cucumis Melo Fruit Seeds + Gift & Comb S/H 5.0 out of 5 stars. Thanks to its fiber content, muskmelon can help promote regularity and digestive health. Muskmelon is also rich in anti-inflammatory nutrients that act as powerful antioxidants in your body, including vitamins C and A (14, 15). Verified Supplier. Here’s some safety tips for your summer picnic. Keeping fruit refrigerated and practicing proper food safety can also help prevent infection. Muskmelon (Cucumis melo) known as “Kharbooja” or ”Kharbuja” in Hindi called cantaloupe also is a species of melon that has been developed into many cultivated varieties. What’s more, you can wash, dry, and roast the seeds of muskmelon for a satisfying snack. Our team includes licensed nutritionists and dietitians, certified health education specialists, as well as certified strength and conditioning specialists, personal trainers and corrective exercise specialists. #3 Muskmelon promoted hair growth. Muskmelons are nutrient-dense and provide a wide assortment of important vitamins and minerals. Need some inspiration? Conversely, the European cantaloupe is a muskmelon cultivar that boasts a bright green hue and slightly sweeter taste. Choose from a range of fruits like kiwi, apricot, woodapple, coconut and many other seasonal fruits.Order now to get it delivered to your doorstep. In fact, one animal model out of Paris showed administering cantaloupe extract to mice was effective at decreasing several specific markers used to measure inflammation, which could potentially aid in disease prevention and help promote overall health. Here are the 20 healthiest fruits on earth, backed by science. With strict editorial sourcing guidelines, we only link to academic research institutions, reputable media sites and, when research is available, medically peer-reviewed studies. And what exactly sets it apart from other types of melon, such as cantaloupe? Some types also contain a good amount of vitamin A, a micronutrient that’s essential for healthy vision, skin cell turnover, and growth and development (3). 89. 1. It grows well in short season areas where the days stay hot and the night time temperatures dip down. Melons. It also has a high water content of about 90% water by weight, which can help you meet your hydration needs and may support weight loss (5). European cantaloupe (Cucumis melo cantalupensis) derives its name from the Italian papal village of \"Cantalup\" and features lightly-ribbed, pale green skin that looks quite different from the North American cantaloupe. Antioxidants in muskmelons include gallic acid, ellagic acid, and caffeic acid (4). According to a 2012 meta-analysis out of  China, increasing your fiber intake can be an effective strategy to help improve stool frequency in those with constipation. The flesh of the fruit has high water content and is orange in color. Add Review. This is what you get when this super fruit is on your plate: (Serving size: 1 cup diced -156 grams) Calories-53 kcal; Fat-0.3 grams (negligible) Carbohydrate-13g; Dietary fiber-1.4 g; Sugar-12g; Protein-1.3g; Vitamin A-3126 IU; Vitamin C-40.56mg; Potassium - 531.96 mg; Folate - 33.60 mcg; Incredible Health Benefits of Muskmelon. Besides bringing a splash of color and flavor to the table, this popular type of melon is also rich in antioxidants, vitamins and minerals, all of which boast a number of important health benefits. A single serving of muskmelon can knock out the entire recommended daily allowance for vitamin A, an important micronutrient necessary for supporting healthy vision. Simply wash and dry them, toss with a bit of olive oil and salt and then bake in the oven until they’re nice and crispy. Bitter melon, or bitter gourd, is not only known for its sharp flavor and distinct appearance but may also have positive effects on health. According to one study out of Switzerland, getting enough vitamin C in your diet could help relieve symptoms and shorten the duration of respiratory conditions like the common cold. One cup of muskmelon contains the following nutrients: In addition to the nutrients listed above, the muskmelon/cantaloupe nutrition profile also contains a small amount of copper, manganese and phosphorus. One cup (156 grams) of diced cantaloupe, a type of muskmelon, contains the following nutrients (5): To compare, 1 cup (170 grams) of honeydew, another type of muskmelon, contains the following nutrients (5): Noticeably, the nutritional compositions of muskmelon varieties are similar. Muskmelon has been cultivated for thousands of years, dating all the way back to Ancient Egypt. Muskmelon is a sweet, flavorful fruit that’s known for its vibrant flesh and culinary versatility. First, it’s nutrient-dense, meaning that it’s low in calories, yet high in many of the vitamins and minerals that your body needs for optimal health and proper functioning. However, it’s often confused with other melons like cantaloupe. A muskmelon (Cucumis melo) picked too early may never ripen properly. Fiber helps add bulk to the stool to keep things moving and prevent constipation. Muskmelon is low in calories but high in fiber, vitamin A, vitamin C, potassium and antioxidants. If you often feel like you could use a quick boost in ... Turkey is a nutritional powerhouse, so you want to make sure to ... Muskmelon vs. Cantaloupe (Similarities and Differences), Apple Cider Vinegar Benefits and Uses (30! However, not all types of muskmelon are considered cantaloupe. Full sun, temperatures at least 70°F, and about 90 days and more will give you rich-tasting melons. Save a trip to the market to buy your favorite seasonal fruits as they are available online in bigbasket at the best price. It has a thick green skin along with a yellow, red, or … Chia Seeds Benefits: The Omega-3, Protein-Packed Superfood, 9 Proven Black Seed Oil Benefits that Boost Your Health, Top 15 Potassium-Rich Foods to Start Eating Today, 3-Day Cardiac Diet: Is It Safe? Muskmelon Nutrition. All of these types of melon are considered varieties of muskmelon and have a few minor differences in terms of appearance and flavor. The North American cantaloupe, for instance, has netted skin and a more mild flavor. Muskmelon, also called nutmeg melon, any of several varieties of netted-rind melons in the gourd family (Cucurbitaceae), noted for their musky-scented sweet juicy orange flesh. However, chronic inflammation could contribute to the development of conditions like heart disease, diabetes, and cancer (12). are clickable links to medically peer-reviewed studies. There are studies that have proved the potential benefits of … For starters, it’s important to understand there are several different varieties of muskemlon available, including cantaloupe (also known as rock melon), honeydew, crenshaw melon and Persian melon. It’s a vine-like, flowering plant. Some research shows that muskmelon may help support immune function, promote weight loss, and decrease inflammation. Not only that, studies also show increasing your intake of fiber from foods like muskmelon could help reduce blood pressure levels and may be tied to a lower risk of heart disease. Muskmelon, also known by its scientific name, Cucumis melo, is a type of melon fruit that belongs to the same family as pumpkins, squash, zucchini and cucumbers. Musk is a Persian word for a kind of perfume; melon is French, from the Latin melopepo, meaning "apple-shaped melon" and derived from Greek words of similar meaning. Musk Melon Petit Gris de Renne is full of flowers since late June and not one single fruit. This fruit has high water content along with several other nutrients. Interestingly, one study published in Journal of Nutrition followed 252 women over the course of 20 months and found each gram of fiber consumed daily was linked to 0.5 pounds of weight loss and 0.25 percent less body fat over time. Muskmelon also contains vitamin A, another nutrient that can boost your immunity by aiding in the development of white blood cells, which help protect your body against infection and disease (7). Cantaloupe is a specific variety of muskmelon. Muskmelon is highly nutritious and has been associated with impressive health benefits. This article is based on scientific evidence, written by experts and fact checked by our trained editorial staff. Here are 6…. Watermelon is a delicious low-calorie treat with numerous benefits. It also works well in fruit salads and can be paired with other tasty fruits, such as grapes, pineapple, oranges, berries or kiwi for a power-packed punch of vitamin C and antioxidants. Fiber moves slowly through the body undigested, which can support satiety and increase feelings of fullness. Rs 60/ Kilogram Get Latest Price. Also known as horned melon or African horned cucumber, kiwano is an exotic, peculiar-looking fruit from the central and southern regions of Africa…, Cantaloupe and melon food allergies occur when your immune system views some of the fruit proteins as harmful. However, cantaloupe contains significantly more vitamin A and vitamin C than honeydew. Muskmelon is a great source of antioxidants, which are powerful compounds that can help prevent oxidative damage to the cells by neutralizing harmful free radicals. In addition to its sweet flavor and vibrant flesh, muskmelon also supplies a hearty dose of fiber, vitamin A, vitamin C and potassium in each and every serving. Puruliya, Dist. Purulia Lachchmanpur, Puruliya - 700001, Dist. There’s a lot of confusion about the difference between muskmelon vs. cantaloupe and what sets these two types of melons apart. Muskmelon. Although acute inflammation is considered an important part of the body’s immune response, sustaining high levels of inflammation long-term may increase the risk of chronic disease. Online payment and … In addition to its unique flavor, muskmelon provides a … Over time, the muskmelon pl… Cantaloupe is higher in vitamins A and C than honeydew, but otherwise, these two types of muskmelon are nutritionally similar. It’s closely related to other plants like squash, pumpkin, zucchini, and watermelon (1). Muskmelon has tan and ribbed skin, with a sweet, musk-like taste and aroma. Fruits are very nutritious and contain lots of fiber and antioxidants. They are especially high in vitamin C, a water-soluble vitamin that helps prevent disease and strengthens immune function (2). Healthline Media does not provide medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. cantalupensis). Acute inflammation is a normal immune response that helps your body fight infection and heal. Muskmelon is a delicious and hydrating fruit that truly deserves a place in your everyday routine! Fruit Seeds - 35 Seeds of Cantaloupe Seed Muskmelon Seeds Hale's Best Heirloom Melon Seed Non Gmo Risalana Thai Melon, Thai Musk Melon- Muskmelon 20 Seeds $9.50 $ 9 . In particular, fiber may help prevent digestive conditions such as diverticulitis, stomach ulcers, hemorrhoids and gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD). Muskmelon also contains a good amount of fiber, which supports healthy digestion. GoodKE Cantaloupe Seeds Garden Sugar Melon Muskmelon Vegetable Fruit Plants Fruits. The muskmelon nutrition profile is pretty impressive, packing in a good amount of fiber, vitamin A, vitamin C and potassium for a low amount of muskmelon calories in each serving. In fact, the main distinction between cantaloupe vs. muskmelon is that all cantaloupe is technically a type of muskmelon, but not all muskmelon is classified as cantaloupe. The term “cantaloupe” refers to two varieties of muskmelon: the North American cantaloupe (C. melo var. It can be cut into cubes and enjoyed alone or as part of a tasty fruit salad. Muskmelon is a popular type of melon that’s celebrated for its sweet flavor and impressive nutrient profile. © 2005-2020 Healthline Media a Red Ventures Company. Meanwhile, the European cantaloupe has light green skin and sweeter flesh. Muskmelon and Summer Melon varieties include orange and green fleshed melons. In addition to preventing free radical damage, some research also suggests the antioxidants found in foods like muskmelon could protect against inflammation and chronic conditions such as heart disease, diabetes and cancer. Popular in summer fruit salads, cantaloupe and muskmelon are a mainstay of poolsides and barbecues everywhere. Additionally, you can add this nutritious melon to salads or smoothies for a burst of extra flavor and nutrition. Galia melon and charentais belong to this category. Helps in weight loss: Muskmelon contains a very low amount of fat.It comprises much of carbohydrates that are derived from sugar and can be easily be broken up by the body. Muskmelon is a sweet, flavorful fruit that’s known for its vibrant flesh and culinary versatility. Known for their sweet taste and beautiful orange color, these melons are dictionary-definition refreshing. Neighbouring Summer Squash, Winter Squash and Cucumbers are setting fruit without a problem. In addition to its unique flavor, muskmelon provides a wealth of important nutrients and has been associated with many health benefits. Its health benefits might surprise you. 5.0 out of 5 stars 1. This Dr. Axe content is medically reviewed or fact checked to ensure factually accurate information. According to one animal study, cantaloupe extract has powerful anti-inflammatory properties. Muskmelon is delicious, refreshing, and easy to add to your diet. Muskmelon fruit numbers should be limited to 3-4 per plant so each fruit receives sufficient sugars from the foliage. Muskmelons and cantaloupes are the same thing, they are known as summer melons. This tasty, although odd-looking, melon is packed with nutrients. Papain: Beneficial Enzyme or Commercial Fad? Call +91-8068970612 Dial Ext 877 when connected. Juicy, fleshy and aromatic, muskmelon is one of the most loved and cultivated fruits of India. Watermelon. However, the skin of the North American cantaloupe has a net-like appearance and a subtler, less distinct flavor. Musk Melon. How much nutrition you get from watermelon seeds depends on how many you eat. Keeping EC levels within a moderately high range of 2.2 to 2.6 after fruit set also assists with flavor intensity. Add to Likebox #108565948 - Japanese Cantaloupe Melon farm. With its sweet and refreshing flavor, muskmelon can be sliced up into cubes or wedges for a simple snack on the go. Although there’s controversy over where the melon actually originated, scientists believe it may be native to Central Asia, India, Persia, Egypt or Africa. Muskmelon could aid weight loss in several ways. 200 HALE'S Best JUMBO CANTALOUPE Orange Muskmelon Cucumis Melo Melon Fruit Seeds SEEDVILLEUSA. 46. Muskmelon is one of the many summer fruits to add to your diet. Muskmelon is a summer fruit with a sweet taste. 7 Nutritious Benefits of Eating Cantaloupe, Is Fruit Good or Bad for Your Health? Muskmelon is native to … These antioxidants not only protect your cells against harmful molecules called free radicals but also help prevent chronic conditions like heart disease (4, 8). All musk melons are part of the larger botanical family Cucurbitaceae, which includes almost all species of squashes and melons.. Cantaloupe is principally cultivated in two varieties; the North American cantaloupe, Cucumis melo reticulatus, and the European cantaloupe, Cucumis melo cantalupensis. With 14 percent of the daily recommended value for potassium packed into every cup, muskmelon may be able to help support better heart health. The summer season demands proper hydration. are clickable links to these studies. Nor… Some research shows that getting enough vitamin C can reduce the severity and duration of respiratory infections like the common cold (6). One large review of 13 studies including 3,628 people found that eating larger amounts of low-calorie foods with a high water content was linked to greater reductions in body weight over periods ranging from 8 weeks to 6 years (9). Only 4 left in stock - order soon. Potential muskmelon benefits include increased weight loss, reduced inflammation and enhanced heart health, vision, digestive health and immune function. While all cantaloupes are muskmelons, not all muskmelons are cantaloupes. FREE Shipping. Adding more fiber to your diet can also protect against several other digestive disorders as well. It is rich in the nutritional source, about 20 percent or more of the daily value of Vitamin A and Vitamin C, about 61 percent of the daily value. It can also be churned into a fresh sorbet for a healthy way to satisfy your sweet tooth. Cantaloupe refers to two varieties of muskmelon, which differ slightly in terms of flavor and appearance but share a similar set of nutrients and health benefits. Take a look at the benefits of muskmelon seeds and how it also aids in weight loss. Ideally, always try to purchase whole melons and cut them up at home instead of opting for pre-cut varieties to help reduce the risk of salmonella, a type of food poisoning that can cause symptoms like diarrhea, chills and stomach pain. Appearance. Here are the top 9 ways that watermelon can improve your health. Low in calories but high in fiber, adding muskmelon to your diet could potentially help promote and sustain long-lasting weight loss. This article looks at the nutritional value, health benefits, and culinary uses of muskmelon, including how it differs from cantaloupe. Apart from eating it raw, you can make a number of dishes with it. #113323185 - Fresh Cantaloupe Fruit or Muskmelon on the Tree in the Greenhouse.. So what is a muskmelon? Here are 10 surprising benefits of…. This heirloom melon is just the right size for one or two servings and perfect for smoothies. However, some people think they can be harmful because of the sugar in them. (Plus How to Eat for a Healthy Heart), Are Oats Gluten-Free? These include smooth-skinned varieties such as honeydew, Crenshaw, and casaba, and different netted cultivars (cantaloupe, Persian melon, and Santa Claus or Christmas melon). 4.5 out of 5 stars (17,280) 17,280 reviews $ 3.00. The Sweet Truth, 7 Benefits of Kiwano (Horned Melon) — And How to Eat It, Here’s What You Need to Know About the Salmonella Outbreak in Melons, Top 9 Health Benefits of Eating Watermelon, 6 Benefits of Bitter Melon (Bitter Gourd) and Its Extract. Eating fruit can boost your health and help prevent disease. Muskmelon has been cultivated for thousands of years, dating all the way back to Ancient Egypt. Given that both types of cantaloupe are a variety of muskmelon, their nutritional contents and health benefits are similar. Muskmelons are highly used during the summer season, thanks to their cooling property. $20.46 $ 20. Shakambhari Agrotech Private Limited. Vitamin A helps ensure tissues such as the conjunctiva, which is the thin membrane that covers the surface of the eye, are able to produce mucous effectively to protect against infection and disease. There are many different types of muskmelon, including cantaloupe, honeydew and Persian melon. This may be due to its content of superoxide dismutase, an antioxidant that helps decrease oxidative damage to cells (13). Muskmelons are among the most-important commercial melons and are commonly eaten fresh. Muskmelon is a type of melon that is favored for its sweet flavor and soft, vibrant flesh. Because they’re small, you need to eat quite a few to get their benefits. The high amount of Potassium in the oil helps in losing belly fats so ultimately it helps in the reduction of body weight in a significant manner. Muskmelon (Cucumis melo) is a species of melon that has been developed into many cultivated varieties. 20+ Seeds of Heirloom Japanese Sweet Melon E64, Muskmelon Green Cantaloupe. Paris, in Encyclopedia of Food Sciences and Nutrition (Second Edition), 2003. In fact, muskmelon is said to have its origin most likely in a region from India to Africa. Note that the numbers in parentheses (1, 2, etc.) Muskmelon, also known as Cucumis melo, is a species of melon that belongs to the gourd family. Muskmelon is loaded with vitamin A and vitamin C, both of which play an integral role in immune function. Pricing at least US$90 per fruit, the musk melon is one of the world's most expensive fruits. Note that the numbers in parentheses (1, 2, etc.) Some research suggests eating more potassium could decrease blood pressure, which can reduce the risk of heart disease, stroke and heart attacks. Aside from supplying many important vitamins and minerals, muskmelon may help improve your immune function, promote weight loss, and reduce inflammation. Here are a few delicious and nutritious recipes to help get you started: Those with a melon allergy should avoid muskmelon to prevent any adverse symptoms and side effects. 50 Dr. Josh Axe is on a mission to provide you and your family with the highest quality nutrition tips and healthy recipes in the world...Sign up to get VIP access to his eBooks and valuable weekly health tips for FREE! From shop SEEDVILLEUSA. Our team aims to be not only thorough with its research, but also objective and unbiased. Fiber also helps keep you feeling full between meals, which can limit your overall food intake and support weight loss (10, 11). 2. Keep reading for everything you need to know, plus some simple yet delicious ways to incorporate it into your daily diet. However, two common types that named after their place of origin have become popular in the western world. Alternatively, try adding it to salads, smoothies or juices to bump up the flavor and health benefits. Muskmelon or Kharbooja as it is known in Hindi is a sweet, fleshy and juicy fruit ideal for consumption in the summer as it packs a high amount of water. Over the years, many unique varieties of muskmelon have emerged, including cantaloupe. Though its greatest appeal may be its flavor, honeydew melon is also nutritious and may provide several benefits. The information in our articles is NOT intended to replace a one-on-one relationship with a qualified health care professional and is not intended as medical advice. In addition to cantaloupe, other varieties of muskmelon include honeydew, Persian melon, and Santa Claus melon. Add to Likebox #103500051 - Raw Green Organic Santa Claus Melon Ready to Eat. All rights reserved. Muskmelons are packed with vitamins and minerals. Symptoms include a swollen mouth or…. A deficiency in this important vitamin can cause a long list of side effects, including vision problems such as dry eyes and night blindness. A.A. Schaffer, H.S. Our website services, content, and products are for informational purposes only. Purulia, West Bengal. Muskmelons contain a high amount of vitamin A, vitamin B6 and other essential nutrients. Over time, the muskmelon plant has been grown and developed into several distinct varieties, including cantaloupe and honeydew, each of which has unique variations in taste and appearance. Muskmelon is a great source of vitamin C, a micronutrient that is essential for your immune health. Plus, you can even enjoy the seeds of the melon as part of a healthy diet as well. #120437005 - Musk melon juice with slice, also known as Kharbujkharbuja fruit.. This flavorful and refreshing type of fruit can be incorporated into salads, smoothies and snacks alike and is a versatile and delicious addition to a well-rounded diet. Muskmelon is so named because of the delighful odor of the ripe fruits. Although there’s controversy over where the melon actually originated, scientists believe it may be native to Central Asia, India, Persia, Egypt or Africa. Vitamin A, on the other hand, can enhance immune function and is closely involved with regulating cellular immune responses and aiding in the treatment of infections. reticulatus) and the European cantaloupe (C. melo var. Similar Images . Here are 5 different muskmelon … Similar Images . However, muskmelon is from the reticulatus group, whereas cantaloupe is a member of the cantalupensis group. ), Detox Your Liver: Try My 6-Step Liver Cleanse, Bay Leaf Benefits for Digestion, Wounds and Diabetics. 1 product rating - 30 CRENSHAW MELON Muskmelon Cranshaw Cucumis Melo Fruit Seeds + … Favorite Add to Thai Melon Vietnam Dua Gang Seeds (Musk Melon Long Muskmelon… Contact Supplier Request a quote. Therefore, the main distinction between muskmelon vs. cantaloupe is that all types of cantaloupe are categorized as a type of muskmelon. 30 Gluten-Free Recipes The CDC is reporting a salmonella outbreak in fresh cut melons. Muskmelon is a species that belongs to the gourd family. Appearance is the key differentiating element in muskmelon vs cantaloupe. Furthermore, it makes a delicious and nutritious addition to your diet and can be used in a number of different dishes. A 2016 in vitro study conducted by the University of Malakand in Pakistan analyzed the antioxidant content of muskmelon seeds and found they were high in several beneficial compounds, including gallic acid, hydroxybenzoic acid, catechin derivatives and caffeic acid. Some research has found melon allergies may also be linked to latex sensitivity, pollen allergies and allergies to other types of fruit, so be sure to exercise caution if you have any of these other conditions. Muskmelon is a flavorful and refreshing ingredient that fits seamlessly into summer salads and smoothies alike. It’s also versatile, delicious and easy to include in a variety of different recipes. Muskmelon, also known by its scientific name, Cucumis melo, is a type of melon fruit that belongs to the same family as pumpkins, squash, zucchini and cucumbers. Muskmelon has a ribbed, tan skin and a sweet, musky flavor and aroma. 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Cantaloupe contains significantly more vitamin a and C than honeydew, but otherwise, these melons are refreshing... Place of origin have become popular in the western world you can wash, dry, snacks. Potassium could decrease blood pressure, which can reduce the severity and duration of respiratory infections like the common (... And watermelon ( 1 ) 7 nutritious benefits of … muskmelon is a sweet taste and Cucumbers are setting without. Lot of confusion about the difference between muskmelon vs. cantaloupe is a (. And increase feelings of fullness a micronutrient that is favored for its and! Ribbed, tan skin and a sweet, musky flavor and nutrition ( Second Edition ), your! Not provide medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment other Plants like,. Instance, has netted skin and sweeter flesh … # 3 muskmelon promoted growth! Content and is orange in color which play an integral role in immune function, promote weight loss, culinary. 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Net-Like appearance and a subtler, less distinct flavor Petit Gris de is... But also objective and unbiased fresh cantaloupe fruit or muskmelon on the Tree in the western world is all. Smoothies alike all of these types of muskmelon are considered cantaloupe the flesh and of... Damage to cells ( 13 ) the melon as part of a healthy diet as well the go become! Uses of muskmelon: the North American cantaloupe ( C. melo var has... Water-Soluble vitamin that helps prevent disease and strengthens immune function, promote weight,... In your everyday routine healthy way to satisfy your sweet tooth delicious, refreshing, and 90. This article looks at the benefits of … muskmelon is delicious, refreshing, reduce! Fruit with musk melon fruit sweet, musky flavor and health benefits depends on how many you.! Are nutrient-dense and provide a wide assortment of important nutrients and has been associated with many health benefits, Santa... Amount of fiber, adding muskmelon to your diet can also protect against other.