Apply pheromone to the orchard ahead of bloom. An iridescent coppery-brown spot is present near the tip of each forewing. Acknowledgement For use in low- to moderate-pressure situations, with alternate control measures such as mating disruption. The growth of an insect increases as temperature increases until the optimum temperature for the particular type of insect is exceeded; at this point the growth rate rapidly declines. See label for application timing. Mating begins once sunset temperatures exceed 62°F. [Group 15], pyriproxyfen (Esteem 35WP) at 4 to 5 oz/a in up to 100 gal water per application. Codling Moth Management Keeping on Track Diane Alston Utah State University Dept. Larvae that enter diapause spin cocoons within which they survive the winter. The codling moth, Cydia pomonella (L.), is a key worldwide fruit pest that has evolved high levels of resistance to almost all classes of conventional insecticides. Make no more than 3 applications prior to hand-thinning. PHI 14 days. Biofix is the first capture of multiple male moths in a trap or consistent capture of multiple males over more than one trap. REI 12 hr. A varying proportion of mature larvae from the second generation enter diapause instead of emerging as adults during the current season. The eggs, larvae and pupae of codling moth each have specific physiological time requirements to complete development before they transform to the next stage. indoxacarb (Avaunt) at 5 to 6 oz/a in up to 200 gal water per application. However, this material has significant drawbacks. All of the larvae in the third generation enter diapause after they leave the fruit and establish cocoons. OMRI-listed for organic use. Larvae tunnel into the fruit and feed for 3-5 weeks before tunnelling out an exit hole. Whether the second and third codling moth generations require additional insecticide applications depends on the pest pressure. Codling moth larvae are susceptible to infection by a virus when they are stressed. The larvae emerge, begin feeding on fruit, and may bore to the center of developing fruit to feed on the flesh and seeds. View a pdf of the spray timing table. Synthetic pheromones are used in traps to indicate the presence of male codling moths in orchards. It remains effective for 14 to 21 days, but it is very disruptive to natural enemies and honey bees. pheromone together with an insecticide, are also IPM appropriate control measures. Do not apply more than 24 oz/a per growing season. Growers should not rely on a single insecticide mode of action throughout the year to control codling moth. Pest description and crop damage This is the most serious pest of apples in the PNW. Codling moth larvae are susceptible to infection by a virus when they are stressed. ORGANIC CODLING MOTH SPRAY ^ For the organic gardener, MULTIPURPOSE INSECT KILLER is strong enough to handle codling moths yet safe enough to use on fruits like apples one day to harvest. In many areas the codling moth is the most important pest of apples. Cydia pomonella (L.) Lepidoptera: Tortricidae. A newly hatched larva is white with a black head. Pheromone-trap catches and temperature records can be used to predict when the eggs resulting from a particular moth flight will be hatching. Insecticides Registered on Apple for Codling Moth Organophosphates Guthion, Imidan, Diazinon, Malathion Carbamates Sevin, Lannate Pyrethroids Danitol, Ambush, Pounce, Asana Chloronicotinyls/Neo- nicotinoids Assail, Calypso Oxadizine Avaunt Fluorine Cryolite IGRs Ecdysone Agonists Intrepid, Confirm Chitin Synthesis Inhibitors Diamond (Dimilin- 0 DD° = Biofix (~200 DD° after Jan 1) 1 st sustained moth captures. After 3 to 4 weeks, the larvae leave the fruit to seek a sheltered spot on the tree to spin cocoons. Action. Once temperatures warm in early spring, the larvae pupate and emerge as adults ready to mate. Not all Utah locations are provided on the table. Relative Disease Susceptibility and Sensitivity to Sulfur, Diagnosis and Control of Phytophthora Diseases, APHIS List of Regulated Hosts and Plants Proven or Associated with Phytophthora ramorum, Plants Resistant or Susceptible to Armillaria Root Rot, Verticillium Wilt in the Pacific Northwest, Plants Resistant or Susceptible to Verticillium Wilt, Plants Susceptible to Sclerotinia sclerotiorum, Potential Impact of Cyanobacteria on Crop Plants, Management of the Cyanobacterium Nostoc in Horticultural Nurseries, Impatiens Necrotic Spot: New Name, Same Threat, Virus Certification Program for Fruit and Ornamental Trees, Care and Maintenance of Wood Shingle and Shake Roofs, Winter Injury of Landscape Plants in the Pacific Northwest, Recognizing Sapsucker Damage on your Trees, Key to Nutrient Deficiencies in Vegetable Crops, Key to Nutrient Deficiencies of Deciduous Fruit and Nuts, Use of Disinfestants to Control Plant Pathogens, Current Status of Biological Weed Control Agents in Idaho, Oregon, and Washington, Biological Control Agents and Their Roles, Restricted-use Herbicides in Idaho, Oregon, and Washington, Testing for and Deactivating Herbicide Residues, Herbicide Effectiveness on Weeds in Grass Seed Crops, Dry Bean East of the Cascades - Phaseolus spp. Materials with rapid breakdown such as codling moth granulosis virus should be applied on a more frequent schedule. Apply every 7 to 10 days. Tunneling of apple fruit caused by larvae of the codling moth. A number of commercial pheromone dispensers including hand applied dispensers and aerosol emitters are available to disrupt mating of codling moth. A parasitic nematode has also shown promise for control of overwintering larvae and is available as a commercial product. For use in low to moderate pressure situations with alternate control measures such as mating disruption. Codling moth larvae belong to a 20mm grayish brown moth which has alternating grey- brown bands across the wing tip. The same technique can be used with the subsequent generation(s) later in summer. RAK 3+4 is a combined pheromone control system which reduces fruit damage from codling moth (RAK 3) and summer fruit tortrix (RAK 4). The virus is available as a commercial product but timing of application is critical because the larvae have to ingest the virus and the only time the larvae are exposed to it is when they hatch from the egg and walk across a treated leaf or fruit surface on their way to a feeding site. Pink bud. Acetamiprid may be applied a maximum of 4 times a season, at intervals of a… Shallow entries called 'stings' result when larvae die from insecticide poisoning or natural causes while excavating the cavity below the skin (Figure 6). Eggs are laid on leaves usually near fruit. under loose bark, in cracks in bark, under mulch/debris, etc.). Another case study at Codling Moth Areawide Management (CAMP) project sites in Washington, Califor… Because the caterpillar of the codling moth bore into fruits and stop their growth, codling moths are major agricultural pests. It is important to note that trap captures do not always reflect the potential for damage and the best approach for management is to integrate different strategies. A second cohort of the overwintered population starts to pupate when the day length increases to around 14 hours and begin to emerge as additional flights of moths a few weeks later depending on daily temperatures. The codling moth, Cydia pomonella (L.), is a key worldwide fruit pest that has evolved high levels of resistance to almost all classes of conventional insecticides. One of the more effective materials against codling moth is the broad-spectrum insecticide carbaryl (Sevin). Pupae are brown and about 0.75 inch lo… REI 4 hr. Control of codling moth (Cydia pomonella) is the key to almost all other pest programs in pome fruit orchards. Biology and life history Codling moth overwinters as mature larvae in silken cocoons (hybernaculi) spun under loose bark, in the soil, or in litter at the base of the tree. The codling moth (Cydia pomonella) is a member of the Lepidopteran family Tortricidae. Larvae are whitish with a black head when immature, and pinkish with brown heads when mature. The proportion of larvae entering diapause depends on the temperature conditions during the season and the decreasing day length. Entry holes may be anywhere on the fruit. A large variety of chemicals are registered for use against FCM but should be used sparingly in order to preserve natural enemy populations. The vast majority of insecticides used for codling moth control are aimed at killing larvae, and thus are typically applied beginning at 250 GDD post biofix (Table 2). If a codling moth source exists nearby, use border sprays (five to six rows) of conventional insecticides. Do not exceed 64 oz/a per growing season. Place bands in May and remove before the adults begin to emerge in mid-June. Hear a National Public Radio story from 29 Sep 2007 on this problem. Tino knows that the only thing worse than biting into an apple and finding a caterpillar, is biting into an apple and finding half a caterpillar! Codling moth, Cydia pomonella (L.), control by sterile insect release (SIR) was assessed in 320–526 ha of apples and pears in the Similkameen Valley, B.C., from 1976 to 1978. The codling larvae attack apple orchards and also crab apples, pears, walnut and other fruit trees. This roughly corresponds to about 10 days after full petal fall (all petals are off) or 17 to 21 days after full bloom for 'Red Delicious'. Distribution: Widespread and a major pest in most fruit-growing states and provinces in eastern North America. Larvae are 0.1 inch long at hatch and 0.8 inch long at maturity. The number of supplemental insecticides applied for codling moth control also continued to decline, and by the last year of the project, the average number of applications was 0.3 ha –1. Codling moth overwinters as a full-grown larva. This video shows how to combat the destructive codling moth, using organic techniques. Similar damage can be caused by oriental fruit moth where pome fruit is grown near stone fruit but oriental fruit moth generally do not feed on the seeds. [Group 28] [ovicidal and larvicidal], emamectin benzoate (Proclaim 5SG) at 3.2 to 4.8 oz/a in up to 100 gal water per application. The larvae may overwinter in the cocoon, or they may emerge in 2 to 3 weeks as a new flight of adults. For control of first generation codling moth in areas with light pressure and suppression of first generation codling moth in areas of heavy infestation. The adult codling moth has a wingspan of about 12 to 18mm and is about 10mm long when at rest with the wings folded (Figures 1 and 2). In small orchards, sanitation by removing and disposing of young damaged fruit can be helpful in reducing codling moth. Traps containing a combination of pheromone and host plant volatiles are also available and attract both sexes, which is useful for monitoring moth activity when mating disruption products are in use. REI 12 hr. Codling moth resistance to some of the older insecticides that had been used for control. According to Slingerland (1898), codling moth was a well-known pest of pome fruit in New Target pests. Fortunately, there are new labeled insecticide alternatives for codling moth control on apples with different modes of action. Resin dispensers loaded with new sex pheromone and pear ester combined formulations … It took almost 50 years for codling moth to develop resistance to Guthion and Imidan, but most researchers do not believe it will take that long for the newer products. Place within 2 ft of the top of the canopy. Apply first cover spray at 250 degree-days after biofix (or 225 degree-days if the selected insecticide has ovicidal activity), or about 10 days after full petal fall (all petals are off) or 17 to 21 days after full bloom. Australian Pesticide and Veterinary Medicine Authority, Todd M Gilligan and Marc E Epstein TortAI Tortricids of Agricultural Importance USDA APHIS PPQ, Todd M Gilligan and Marc E Epstein TortAI Tortricids of Agricultural Importance. The virus controls larvae, but some fruit damage, primarily stings, may be evident. Do not apply exceed 16 oz/a per season and do not use an adjuvant within 60 days of harvest. Codling moth granulovirus is an effective organically acceptable tool to control codling moth. Cydia pomonella GV. Codling moth larvae are a major garden and agricultural pest. Phenology model recommendations can originate with your local Extension resource, crop consultant, software system, or use of an online degree-day calculator. Pheromone-trap catches and temperature records can be used to predict when the eggs resulting from a particular moth flight will be hatching. Codling moth. Homeowners can also benefit from use of degree-day models to predict management timing. PHI 7 days. As they mature, they push frass out of the entry hole. Larvae tunnel into the fruit and feed for 3-5 weeks before tunneling out an exit hole. Crop type. Yates Success Ultra Insect Control Concentrate, which is derived from beneficial soil bacteria, is a very effective way to prevent the codling moth grub from damaging the fruit. Development of overwintering larvae. Codling moth adults are about 1/2" in length with gray wings containing thin, white stripes distinguished by the copper-colored band at the wing tips. Note that Bacillus thuringiensis has little effect on codling moth. Note that many materials can be mixed with horticultural oil for increased activity against eggs and increased efficacy. Almost everyone has bitten into a "wormy" apple or pear, an unpleasant experience. [Group 1B], pyriproxyfen (Esteem 35WP) at 4 to 5 oz/a in up to 100 gal water per application. It is important to make sure that you are using an appropriate tool/model for your region. Pheromone dispensers can be applied to dormant trees and must be in place before first moth flight around the time of full bloom of 'Red Delicious'. The forewings are brownish grey with several grey crosslines. After pupation, adults emerge 12-21 days later and the cycle is repeated. In summer most of the cocooned larvae form a pupa from which the adult moth emerges about 2 weeks later. The resistance has forced growers in those regions to adopt alternative control strategies, mainly using pheromone mating disruption and/or codling moth granulovirus. [Group 22A], methoxyfenozide (Intrepid 2F) at 16 fl oz/a in up to 100 gal water per application. Using these chemicals often results in the need to apply more pesticides for control of minor pests. chlorantraniliprole (Altacor) at 3.0 to 4.5 oz/a in no less than 100 gal water per application. Larvae are 0.1 inch long at hatch and 0.8 inch long at maturity. A parasitoid wasp, Mastrus ridens, that attacks codling moth larvae in their cocoons has been introduced and released into commercial orchards with promising results. During the pink stage, place 1-mg lures in the lower canopy at eye level in orchards where you do not intend to use mating disruption and instead plan to rely on insecticides for codling moth control. [Group 28] [ovicidal and larvicidal], methoxyfenozide (Intrepid 2F) at 16 fl oz/a in up 100 gal water per application. These adults are active in July and August. The eggs hatch in about 10 days. If the orchard has a history of codling moth problems, use conventional insecticide sprays against the first generation. For commercial orchards with more than 10 acres of contiguous apple and pear plantings, pheromone-based mating disruption can greatly reduce codling moth populations to allow reduced insecticide use. False codling moth Thaumatotibia leucotreta PEST FACT SHEET FCM feeding damage to grape bunches. Organic growers should use multiple codling moth granulovirus sprays (up to 6 applications per generation and not exceeding 10 applications per season for Madex Top) and in combination with season-long maintenance of a pheromone autoconfusion system.. But several other less toxic control methods are available, according to James Young, entomologist with the Oregon State University Extension Service. Adult’s forewings are striped with fine, brown-gray lines and a distinctive bronze to brown-black oval spot at the tip. Insect. Eggs laid during these flights give rise to the first generation of the new season. Adult moths are 0.5 inch wide, with alternating gray and white bands on the wings and a copper band on the wing tips. REI 12 hr. The codling moth Cydia pomonella (L.) (Lepidoptera Tortricidae) is a key pest of pome fruit (apple, pear and quince) and walnut orchards in most temperate regions of the world. [Group 15] [ovicidal], phosmet (Imidan 70W) at 2.1 to 5.7 lb/a in up to 100 gal water per application. codling moth granulosis virus (Carpovirusine, Cyd-X, Virosoft CP4)-Check label for rates. Eggs are laid on leaves usually near fruit. Mating Disruption- Mating disruption works by preventing male moths from finding female moths for mating within blocks treated with the pheromone dispensers, Isomate-C Plus (codling moth) or Isomate CM Flex (codling moth) or Isomate-CM/LR TT (codling moth and leafrollers twin tubes). If fruit damage exceeds 0.5% at the end of the first generation, use conventional insecticides to provide supplemental control against the second generation. Do not apply more than 150 fl oz per growing season. Codling moth treatment timing is coming up in late May for many areas of northern Utah. Wings are mottled gray with a distinctive copper-colored band at the tip of each forewing (Figure 1).. Males are smaller than females. Insecticides are useful when applied to coincide with periods when eggs are being laid and before the newly hatched caterpillars borer into fruit. Do not apply more than 9 oz/a per growing season. Capture of females indicates potential for eggs and damage but models can use male captures for setting biofix. Photos. A number of hand-applied pheromone dispensers are available including Isomate C+, Isomate CTT, NoMate, CheckMate, Cidetrak CM, and Checkmate CM-XL 1000. The most common control method used by home gardeners is repeatedly spraying insecticides on the fruit throughout the growing season. Although the minimum threshold for emergence of moths is 10°C, male moths do not fly until temperatures exceed 13°C and codling moths do not mate until temperatures exceed 16°C . The egg is flat, oval, 1mm long, opaquely white when first laid and develops a red ring towards maturity. Pupation takes place in the spring around the time the first blossoms are showing pink, and adults emerge around bloom. Synthetic pheromones are used in traps to indicate the presence of male codling moths in orchards. The first summer generation spray should be applied at 1250 degree-days after biofix, and again a second treatment in 14 days will help cover the entire egg hatch period. Pheromone traps can be useful in timing sprays. The moths emerge usually in one or more periods of peak activity, each period referred to as a 'flight'. Adult moths are 0.5 inch wide, with alternating gray and white bands on the wings and a copper band on the wing tips. [Group 5] [larvicidal], spinosad (Entrust 80WP) at 2 to 3 oz /a in up to 100 gal water per application. Do not make more than 4 applications per year or exceed 13.5 oz/a per growing season. The virus will kill the larva three to seven days later. Multiple sprays are often necessary with applications up to every 10-14 days, however sprays can be reduced by monitoring for adult moths with monitoring traps or use of degree-day models (see description above) to properly time insecticide applications to the hatching larvae during the growing season. In many areas the codling moth is the most important pest of apples. Apply recommended insecticides when trap catches reach threshold levels starting at petal-fall. Codling moth is the most important insect pest of apple and pears in North America. Sprays as needed according to scouting results in southern and central Europe commercial orchards as well as for fruit! 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